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01-08-86 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
01-08-86 Council Minutes
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P'1TNU7~C <br />City Coi.inCil <br />J~n. 3, 1~Df36 <br />(.~auardrai1 ~ir. t3lesen~r renorted that the guarcirail on Lakeshore ~lvenue ~das <br />On Lakeshore installed at i:he direction of a former Playor and former C~uncilman. <br />flvenue ~lso, the ~uardrail uvas nevFr add~ci to as was previo~asly reporteci, <br />but a section s•~as dest,royed and renlaceri. <br />Ayenc~~~ <br />Itern ~do. 15 Rlesener also repor~ted tha9: i1r. ~rlaite had sugcrested 'that a section <br />of the guardrail l~e rer~iovec(. [~lesener stateci th<~t if a sec,i:ion i<iere <br />removecl, t4~e <<ihol e nu~rcirai 1 mi ght rxs ~,~e11 f~e r~moved and Chi s i s <br />tii~ most imE~ortant section as it nrotects a hoiase. <br />3lesener renorted that he 4tas not pre~arec~ to t~ave the City out i,ip a <br />~uardrail to nrotect sorneone's rnai1box. [3lesener felt that "',r. !:laite <br />should contact thE Post Office about mov~ing his ,na~lbox beYiind the <br />nuardrail that is existing. <br />fa~iey suggested that ~th~ Clerk direct a 1~1;~er to th~ Post Office <br />requesti ng tYiei r cooperati on i n thi s mattE~r, shoul d Pir. ~~lai Ce request <br />it. Mr. (~1^sener fe1t there vtas rooro behind the guartlrail for th-r. <br />mailbox. <br />~~ahey felt that the placeinent of the mailbox behind the quardrail <br />~vas ,justified due to the cost of extendinq the guardrai7, the hazardous <br />corner, and the number of ~~imes i~lr. I~laite's ~nailbox has been knocked <br />dosvn . <br />f"ahe~/ al so sY,ate<.! Y.hat sS~oul d s~!r. !~,~ai te not a~ant the mai 1 box rnoved, <br />~the inatter should be dropp~d. <br />i~ir. Fahey introduced the follo~,ain~r reso1ut,ion and moved its adapiion: <br />R~SOI.UTSOP~I t~10. 86-1-13 - IMSTRUCiIN~ Thli: <br />CITY CL~RK TO +,!RITE ~ LE:TT~R TO Tlir POST <br />O~FIC[, ~T 7fiE R~.QUEST OF ROrKY ~riFlT.T~, <br />(~ZEQUFSTT~IG THEtR Co0PER11TION IN THE I2ELOCATION <br />OF 11f:. ;dFlIT~'S P~IAILBOX REIiIPIq THE EXISTIPJG <br />GUARDRAII ~Pl L~1KF.StIORE FlVEPiUE !;IfiICH ~P10U~!TS TO <br />hiOVIPir, TIiF. MAII_(30X T"cPJ FEET TO ThIE SOUTH <br />7he fore,yorng resolu~tion sdas duly secondecl by ~6r. Collova. <br />llyes (5) `aPiey, Collova, Scalze, ~ilc~sener, P.lardini. <br />Nayes (01. <br />Resolution declar~d adopted. <br />Thi s resol uti on appears i n Resol uti on (;oo!< f!o. 13, Page 13> <br />Cornparab1e The Clerk re~orted t'nat since the City only has six full-time <br />~lorth ernployees, it has heen recommenrled to him that the City can Fili <br /> out the necessary forms regardin~7 cor,iparable worth itself. Some <br />~loenda citi~s have hire~ consu ltants to do this for th~m. <br />Item iJo. 15 <br /> P1r, ~ahey repor~ted that he wi11 wor!< on ~this matter urith the Cler!< <br /> and report back a~f: the next Council meetinq, <br />°age -~3- <br />
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