I~iUT~r; ~: -fl;r ,,..G!1LAR ~ ::FTII!S
<br />C:tTY COil+df,JL
<br />I..T.'(Ti.E CI~.PI!!,D,!1, iII,I~i~SpTt\
<br />1=ebruar±, 12, 14`„
<br />Pursuani: ~o due call an~! not~ir.~ ~iier~of a reg~ilar ?r?;~c~Cing nf Y~ie
<br />Gouncil of t'r~F ~it~~ oF Little Cana~~a, ?`!inn~sotrz ~~ras h~ld on the
<br />12 t'~i day of -c.brti~try, l c;zj6 i n the Counc i l ;;ha!^h~rs o f t:n~ C i ty
<br />(.enter 1 oc,a't:~d t~t 51 ,' Li tt~l e ~z~nada Road i n sai ci Ci ~t,y.
<br />.~n;?Yl(i<l ~~'i3~/01^ ",~1C~ld^~ i'dii~y !'~1d1Y'?C~ ~t1E2 IL°E`.t711Ci <1tlCi Cd~~~`.(~ l'C ~0 pl^f!Q1' 8~
<br />T~ter.i ~~lo. 1 7:30 P.P~;. ~nct the fo'llos~iinq r,~e!nbers ti•~ere pres~nt. at roll call:
<br />A~;nncia ilfi ;::~;~ pP~S:!1C: `;ayor f9:r iichar~l fah^y
<br />T.te;:i ~io. ' Coimcil~.~a.n ir. '.!illia;n, ~;1esener
<br /> !;ouncilia,an I-^r. 'tic!< ~;ollova
<br /> i;ouncil:~o~rian "':rs. 3^ver•1~~ Scalrr~
<br /> q,ic t,~_R$ A±',r_i'!T: rOtlt1C1~149D:i1311 i?S. "iUCj5 !`~d1"d1119
<br /> ALSr) PR!.S':~!1-: rit~ Clerk zn'r. Jose~'n Chl~b^c':
<br /> C'if.y A.i;i:orn^y r?r. Tiior~as t~vee,p~y
<br /> ';onsiil ti nci l~n<ti neer ~~ir. D~nat ci Carl cy
<br /> ~:ecorciinc tecr^f:ar~r ,?rs. Kati`~ln~n ^~lanzer
<br />Apr~~rn~ral !`~:r, itl eserier i n~rodur,~~d the ~Fo11 o~~ri nr,~ resol u1;i on and ~~:ov^<l i ts atlouti ori :.
<br />Of 1'ne
<br />:in~~tes ':501_~.!TT~L•I ,,~~~, >,_?_5? _ A;>I>~~nvr ~!', TVi~ ~jr.;ii1'!=5
<br /> A ^,')U?,IrI~ ,:1=fIfir
<br />~l~' TiL JP!U,!i'?Y ,'
<br />1`,"~~, ~:!lUl
<br />~.("`Y1C~1 ,
<br />_
<br />S~~r, P!o. 3 Tf~ie for^aoinq resolution aras c'u'ly seconded i~y I~~~r. Collova.
<br />~
<br /> Ay~s (4)
<br />~;leserier, C,o11ov~, Scalze, t'ahey.
<br /> ?:avs (0).
<br /> >2esoli~tion dec~larL~c~'- ario~~i~~~d.
<br /> T1iis resolution ar~r,cars in Resolut~i~n `~ool< ~•lo. 13, Pane 54.
<br />r3r8us2rt ~^rs. !3rausen and Da~rid 3ra«s~n anprar°d he~Fore ~the C-o~.inc~il reoues~tinn
<br />Proner9:~! approval of tt~e cfivision of t;heir j:>rc~p~rty lor,a.~Ced nn La~ore P.oad.
<br />Divis~ion l~li~~ ~3rai.tsen's ~Jt~uld li!<e to c!ie~ide ~the ~~rop2ri:y and build on ~thE~
<br /> rear lo't.
<br />~~~7E? Y1 C18
<br />I~~lil ~•10. 4~ ''1P ~d~2y nO1ri~f:8C1 OU~; ~.Il'<tl ':iln I"871^ 101; 4f01alri YIO~~. hdV^ f1"OYti:dq£? 0!1 d)1
<br /> 9Y'.'IDY^OV^C~ pl.ih~1C: SGI^P^L. ~d'~l-'.."/ p(?lil"C(-?(a 01~1~ ~~l~~t. r~Cl "clClO1~10118.~ 7~ ~'@E,'~;
<br /> o~` road e~,e!~~ent F~ro«1d !~e n~~ressary in ~rder 2o hav~ a tota~l of 5fi
<br /> fc~~~t o~F road e1s^~;~2r~1: to th~ rear lo~t:.
<br />Fanc~y s'i:a~l:ed t','iat he ~~soul~i no~: be oppose~! ~;o a~l1o~~~~ng t~ie ';rausen's
<br />"t~ (~s`VE'.~0~ ~i'i'Cfl d E)N1Vd~:° (iY'1VE?I~h.1}/ E?~15E?f~if?Il1;y c3S ~OYI(~ dS l`~lB 8d5-^.iilCil~1;
<br />:=aas 5(~ ~f~et 'in ~v~ioth. I~'!r. Sollo~~~ a~~as a.lso anreeab1e.
<br />'1rs. f3rai~s~~n did not; thinl< it ;!as poss'ible to ge~t ~i'.ii~ <adnitiona'I 1l
<br />fe2t fr~rn i:he surrouncl'inc~ rmonerP~,~ o~~Ener>.
<br />pdn~ _~-
<br />