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~1Tfi~J7CS <br />Cit~i Co~mcii <br />i~larcn 12, 19n5 <br />Goff Plrs. Sralza 'informed iir. 6off that a large percnntage of the City <br />R~quest is develoued in apartments, 7he City has more than its share of <br />(Cont.l multi~les. Sc.alze also pointed out th~t the NSP easement alonr <br /> this properY.y and otn2rs in t'ne area has not be.r,n a basis for a <br /> rezoninc!. Scalze point~d out that other property owners in the <br /> area have be~n denied rezoninns. <br /> Fahey agr^ec! that other develoo~rs titzve been denied rGzonings, and <br /> then have deve1oped 5eai-itiful R-1 developments on their property. <br /> Fahe~/ did not fe21 that ~iven th~ past policy of the City tha~ 1he <br /> prooerty sViould be rezonec. <br /> ;1r. Goff requested that if the City was not sailling to rezone a <br /> i~orti on ofi t'ne property, that i~t approve th2 si x si nc~l e-farrii 1 y 1 o~ts <br /> on CPie east si~e of Arcade Street. <br />f~a~iEy oointec! out that a requirement of ~the Ci't.y's Subcivision <br />Ordi nanc~ i s tl~at the devel oper stiora eahat he i ntends t~ ~.lo sai th the <br />res~t of 9ii s oroper~ty. ~ atiey fel't t9iat acti nn on the si nql e fami 1~/ <br />lots at tPiis tim;^, miqht 4~ut the CiCy in a bad nosition in the Puture <br />when acCing on the rest ofi the pr~nert,y. <br />P~1r. OsCar Lane ask~d the Co~.inci 1 i f a~pr•e~e•!~ent by aporovi ng tha <br />Goff rezoning. <br />Fai~e,y rep'lied tnat ther~ ~~~ould be a precec?ent sst. ''ahey fe1t it <br />~~o~~l ~! be a chanqe ~i n pol ic.y of ~he Ci ty i:o upzone th9 s pronr rty. <br />Co1lova fe'It that th~ City had to loo!< at each case indiviciually <br />and there n~ay be properRy in the City th~t sPiould be rezoned. <br />Ilos~rever, Collova i>ointed ou~ that ~t,here is s~ngle Pamily de~r~1~ping <br />to t~ie ~rtes~t of i,1.r. G~off's nros~~r~ty. <br />Mr. Rles^n~r felt that perhai>s sorn^ portion of tYie nrooerty should <br />be R-2, bu~t hc~ wou1d ,~ave to see a dev2lopment that. ~rias compa~table <br />~rrii:h thP surrounding properties. <br />Fahey pointed out th~t t;h^ Coinprehens4v2 Plan sho~vs 9:his ar~a as R-1. <br />Fahey 9~elt ~;t~at R-1 deve1op~~ienc coi.ilci occur nn tliis E~roperty. <br />~calze stated that ~there ~re tmo or ~'nree rnore nortn-south streets <br />th~t ~vi11 ao in in this area. <br />P1rs. Sc<alze introcltacec! the folloa~inq resolution and iziov~d its adqption: <br />RESQl.UT10~! P10. £;6-3-100 - DEidYiNC T~~1r G01"F <br />R~~U~ST rOR R~~01,!I~IG rF pR~PFRTY A~ONG C~UId7Y <br />ROAD D <br />The forenoing resolution 4vas duly seconded by P1r. Fahey, <br />Flyes (t;) Scal-r..e, FaY~ey, Nardini, !3lesener, Collova. <br />i~lavs (~). <br />Resol ~.iti on ciecl are<( adont.ed. <br />Thi s resol iiti on anpears i n!'esol uti on ~ooi< Mo. 13, r~aqe 10'I . <br />pdtip _~_ <br />