?!z,;u i"; o,- r,;c r<<.cu~_n,{c ,-~7 ~,,~~,
<br />CtTY COU"1^il_ ~
<br />1_I f71_`i C,!liinp?!,, s'`Yi!`I''SOTA
<br />Ila.rcyi P.6, 1~?t3r,
<br />I?ursi.~t±.nt to c!u.r, c.all and notice tn^reof a~re~ular ~,!!^etina oP t'ne
<br />~OUiI!:'I~ O1" f.fl° ~'Ity 0{" ~_l~L`~° ~~l.YiBC~?~ '"ltlil'?SO'i.cl !;,IdS ~1S?~(~ Otl ~l;(lE:
<br />PFi~Y~ d;iv oi ;~arc~~, 19f>`~ ~in ~thn Cour~cil (;fia~~~hers of ~the City !'~~nt~~r
<br />loca~ted at 5'15 ~itt~lc~ ~anac.4a ~?oad in sai:S City.
<br />Ac~~nn1 ?'iaynr ~"ic'-iael Fah~y r.haired 9~.'n~ ~~:,t~in~i and ca'lled it *o order a.t
<br />Tter~ `lo. 1 7~~3 p r^. and, ~ti~ie follo;-iinn ~.~~er~~ ~?r~sent at roll c,a~li:
<br />n,
<br />~aE nc!a ':' t ilr>.:c .~>n4 tic.f~7'~ f`Rypp
<br />~ i'iY'. ~:ilCi'112~ ~~ili'1C'~i
<br />It~m ~!o. ? Co~!nc'iln,an ~1r. !~lil1~iaiaa t~lesen~r
<br /> Co~.mcil~~a:i~an N.rs. geverly Scalz~
<br /> r.~r,;;;-sZS r;oSr<<IT: Counc~ilman ~~,r. (:'ic~c Collova
<br /> Coun~ili~rom<~n ~4s. "luqs ~lardini
<br /> !\LSO I'RES~~i.!'r: CitY ';ler:< "'r. Josepii Chl.~bec::
<br /> Ci~~i A~P;~torn~~i Mr. ~('no;~ias Ssaeeney
<br /> !;~nsul tin~ `:nqine~r ;~ir. Jona2h~in raraci
<br /> ~;^corc!iric Snr,re¢ary ~'rs. ;at.`~leen G~lanzcr
<br /> CitY 4''lanner i~1r. S'Ce~te '~.r~ttj~~an
<br />;:~9 ri~ates r1r, ~;l es~ner rPp~rtar! tiia~ t'n° Col l o~~ri nq nh rase shoul d`~ acc!ed
<br /> to 2esolution Plo. R:~-3-101 of ~t'~e ~"~'arch 12 rrini[1:~s: ""C2 '?~,S'.[I~~P!7I:1~
<br />Aqendd ~QIIIV!lLF^!'( UP~1IT".
<br />I r<,~.~ r.Jo. 3
<br /> h1rs. SsalzP int,roduced the fo11n~,rinn reso1~ itinn arid move~~. its zd~qt9on:
<br />:>{-SOLUTTnI:~ t,111. `;:'i-3-~09 - t\ppnn~lChlr. '~'ci~c
<br />,iTi)l;-rcc ~c Ty niq~r}{ ~? ~o^~ C'n~~~!CTL
<br />t~~EE71.P-!G ;(IT~~ TF'~~: AI?~)1~~ OlJ7l T'~~:~) i,0'~~"_Ct~IOi~I
<br />~('lF? '(`OY'f±n01 t1C! N°S0~ 1.1 t.l OYl `Nil$ CU~ ;~ 58CQflC~F?<~ i)~/ ~~t". i' ~°S2!1P.1".
<br />~~t~ns ~'~~..riCd~7C'.~ ~i~25QYlPl"g f'<751P.U.
<br />~~~i~S (~~
<br />Resol trti on dnc,l are<.i adopt2d.
<br />Thi s res~l i~ti oti appears ~i n Resol u~t.;~i on Rno!< P!o. 1: , Paoc 110.
<br />I,i.liC!'Vl(.'YI '•.'~Ei~/OY' C'7hf?;i OI,7Cil('.(~ i:~l('. !)U~)~iC il!'dl"lYlq pll '1".(1C? ~_1~<PV1Py1 I,:~SC.ti'T,C$
<br />c.s~a'ces Pr~liininary P1~at.
<br />?rnlininar;r
<br />~lat ~ah~y poin~tcc' oui: t:h?~ the °lanninct Co;~~.s~issinn, P1an.i~r and Ci'ty
<br />:11(71!1(?..°P }18Vf~ Y'a['0~~7i11PI~C~E'(~ iJ~~>~-li'OVI) 0{"~ ~(1° h~d~. 7~fIQ.' il(~IYI??Y'
<br />'~r~nrl, ~ ~ ~
<br />~175 Slll)101~r~1:t?{I d. ~C'T,~t:'Y' f.ctA i'~31"Ch ~~>, ~~~`3-`i Iiltll~~liln P('COI~ns.Y1C1d'(:'IOY1S
<br />1 r~'P1 ~~q. 4 .
<br />~i ri regard ~1:o t;~e pl at.
<br />i~lr. ~Gordv Horre, the~ ct;~~ie1op~r, renort~d th~~C 'n~'~ has no problei?'!
<br />!'.l^f_~{~.'111C' '(',~l(? PE'.C{U'IY'^:';i^tl~'.S 0{' 'r~l(:` ~.'1'~V '~~~Yi!'lYl(?~?t".
<br />'~'~.}"$. iCd~7.^ (?I.IFTSfilOYiE'fi dCCBS> ~.0 9'i(' ~}"0{)E'.Y'~I:,!J lIl j:til@ `')7C~C 0` i;':lP.
<br />f~d~ti' -~ -
<br />