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03-26-86 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
03-26-86 Council Minutes
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;aI;;llr;: ; <br />Ci1v ~;o~anr.i'I <br />!<.arc.'st ?%i, 193'> <br />~~ IA f! (1 <br />Prooert:v <br />[)~ivisi~~n <br />"~.CI~Yt(!d <br />i~t'.";~; ,yr~. st <br />i~0i1Y1 ~~1tl~JilE'.~/> nt.torne„ t"pp1^^Snili'.1tlC, T~lOi".2.~5 ~~IIC'l~~ i':~7f1Qd1"^.<~ ~pP.iOY'n <br />thn Coi.incil renu~stinc~ ap~~rova'I ~f' a pron~~rt.v d~iv~ision ~For `?r. <br />Jud~! of hi s pronert'y 1 c+catec~ on Jaci:son S~:rP<,t and !71 d C~unty <br />Road C. `~~r. D~uhney reno~~l;ec~ t;hat 't!~ier^ ~is no var'ianc~~ im!olved <br />lIl tll° 1"E?(11125~, <br />nau!'>ne~~/ n~~in9:e<i out tPiat ~n 197S i:h~2 ~i~v ~sscssnd the Juc'~~i pronewty <br />f01" S^~,N??Y' 1C1OY'OVQ;"(?I1~S drlC~ "'~1". ~)~.;C{(i t~s'd5 %ISS°SS@Cl {DP 1`'.v!0 ~0'i~.5~ dS <br />i`.f1(? (;1 ~`/ j~l<~1Cdig<I j,4,i1j; 'r.ilE?1"i~ p{].S ~fl(~ DOSSI~)'I ~'I'`:Y {'pt" dC10f.41[9Y' ~0'~ <br />fron: th^ nar~el. <br />~18U`UIIBy ~fl.lY"`~~i~°.Y' !1O1111;8(~ OU~f: ~.~(1~.~ ~;ilC' ~7dY111lY1Q ~OP?II11SS10Y1 1"°C001"~p~lrin~{ <br />~,r <br />the proper~tv division be a~;~roved 'in rabr~~ar;~ of~ 1~~~-_>. <br />If ~the rlivis7on +:re~rr aporoved, i'!ir~ nortiu*rn {~art:e~i ~~~nu1~i cons'isi: of <br />~?,3~0 square ~Feef: and tne sout;hern parc~~l 1'I,;~~~D snuare fr~'i. ~~his <br />is in excess of Coc? req!~ir"n;^~ts. <br />~1dld~lYlE!f 1^^iJ01"'CBC~ l`~"ld'~: i"Y'. i~llCi~ C~0£".S flO'~; ~~`IdYI~'. i~dC~CSO'il i~;Y'~'pt YdC~1.8f~ <br />in ~fronC o~i his (~ous~. If 'it a;~erc: vacaiecl, ~`!r. Jud~~ aio~i~ld noL g~t <br />any of i;he property invt,lver{ in ihe v~~cai:ion an~~ ~s !iis ~ic~;ure <br />7!1'l(a0Y1 ~ 09~n5 1 tl tlll S t{l Y'QC ~'10(1 ~.,lp l'l0;1~ Ct ~ 00~< .1~: 1~11~f:QV!'.V ill S Yl(?1 Qh~)0;" <br />clec4decf tn r"o vri~t.h ti~~ properiy. 7he Judc! I~or:'i2 is 1oCat~'.d "33 ~fcet <br />fro~~i the rn,~d ea.s;~raent. <br />~ludd ,rou1d b~~ in favor o~F ~I;ne var,atinn if ~it ext~nc;et! to t'r~e nropert;y <br />1 ~ n? ;~e t ae~n h~i s propose~j 'i ois from t~l d!;oiini.~i ~~ad ~;. ?1atGhn ~ v stai;ed <br />~i11'r d ~IPQC^!{BYI~: f01' j.~11S i'Id$ ~1G:'Yl 5^~t. ~)~/ `l'itP. VdCdt1011 0` ~l) '~'C?8t <br />of 81u1i~~nd Avenue so t-hat 1;h2 nr~p°r~:y ovmr~r could roal<e c~rtain <br />ii~~~proven~;>_n~s 1:o his prou~rtv. <br />~)dllj?l~v 1"f);)01"t^(' ~;h2L` ~r'I^ 1"^SU~9;lYICj ~Ot l^lOl7~C~ Y)0~: Yi£?£~(! 8 V'P'IdY1C°. <br />dlif~ COU~~I ?)P r!^V^~Oj18(? d{17~? '~'181I11`,81Yi'IfiCi ~il!? YI^CC?S>dY,y Snl.`~%1r!CS. <br />~~a!ibi~r„~ ~Pnl t 4;hat ~tPic' r^c;~,i remFnt of %'~t) f2r~i: et the s~t* 1 i rie <br />~>f a c.ornar lot, coial<! l~><, .~~e~. ~)auhri°y ~lso noint<^.~ ouP. ~ttiat; <br />u'tilities are ava'ilab1e to t~~;~ s'ite. <br />~'~.r. ; ah~y arjre~d tha~~ ~ir. Judd's r~~n~ies~t is d~ff:~r~~n~ froci hi ; <br />nr~,~~ i ous one as rio vari an~~ i s I>~~i ng requestr<I. <br />Tn:~ C'i ~ty n.~ttornev s ~1~tec' t`,~a'~; n2 ha~~! nq ob i:~c~~i on ~tr> tki2 1 o~t snl i t, <br />`~ut no~inC~d otat t(~a±: ~tn^ ~~ity is not;^ i:na.~c t'r~ie r2nuirei~~~nt of <br />iiQ {'^(? L c2~C t~~£'. ~f'. ~:(1dC~< ~ l Y18 C;l.Y1 ~~1° i'l('j;. <br />f4r. Rl~sen2r point~vd o!~t ~:hat if J~c!<son Str~~t ~is vacated'n <br />o i ~ti,e ,~roposed proa2r~:v ~I ~i ne, tPi~ 4Q ~Poo~t. reo,u~i remF~~t i~ril 1 no <br />lon~~~r ut~ a. ~>r~abler~~ as t1if~ l~~t rrill rio l~n~er be a r.,orn~~r 1ot, <br />~lll(~ ~:~1~`. 1"f`.C!!11"?"I;.'llt; F'10!I~C~ '(',%1^i1 F)° ~t ft9C?}. 8'Z t(1C` S°i:~)~.C'.L ~111E?. <br />The P1 anner reported tha.*., ne ca1 c~~i1 ~~,~Ced that "?r. Jud~l ~•roul <! ii~~~~e <br />79.2 ~e~~f: ~~t 'Cf~ic: 3O-foo~t setbac!t ~I i ne. <br />Pr~n:• _n_ <br />
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