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03-26-86 Council Workshop Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
03-26-86 Council Workshop Minutes
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8/3/2009 2:23:55 PM
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7/31/2009 2:51:07 PM
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?~IiPIU7F=S <br />Citv ~:,oianci I <br />"tarc,h 2!i, 1~`?6 <br />Grieb1E*.r Scalz~ esked ho~.v ~+ri~b~l2r wnuld handle a s~i~Cuat.ion ;~,~her~a a pro.iecl: <br />(Conf,.1 har! a code viola~Y,ion. <br />~_~riebler renlied ~hat he t,rou1d shorr the contrar.,+or vehat a~aas ~~~ronn <br />and explain ~ri!~iat ~th~ ro~+e requireci ancl i:ry to find out t.he reason <br />~the rontr~ctor d~id s~~'nat he did. <br />r,ir. ~aheY exi~l ai n~d ~:~hai t'ne Ci tv ~,ias 1 ooki ng to i sh ~~~i t.h <br />tl~i~~ »osif.'ion anc! informe~i ~r~ie'.>ler of the CitY's va1tAat~ion in nermits <br />issuFd las~ year, <br />The Cot~ric'il ~;han'r,ed Gri~bler and informed hii~i ~tl~~fi f.h^v ~,~nu'id br,~ <br />ma!<ing a r!~cision shortly. <br />Oc~nald The n2x'C applicant d,~as `lonald /~ndersnn, curren~tly Ruild'ing Offici~l1 <br />Po,nderson for the City of [3etPiel. '~1r. A.nderson ~vas als~? Firs= Chie~f for ~as~t <br />13~thel ~Prom 19~3 to 19H6. <br />nndF~rson reporter! th~t ~~iost of ttie ~F~ir~ insneetions in Eas~; i3etYi~l <br />~ver~ ctoni= b,y the ~ire n?ars'nail under '~iis <1ir2r,~;ion. No~iever, ,~ndnrson <br />reported ihat there ~is not a program ~,vhF~rehy so~neone c1n qe~; certified <br />as a fire insn~ctor t'nat h^ is a.~,!are of. <br />P1r. ~nders~n re~~or'r,ed ~h~t he has bePn Gertified as ~1 hirildinr~ <br />insnec,tor since 1^£33. }ic is nresent1v in t~us~iness ~for h~iinseli as <br />a tieatinc~ contrac~ter, in adciition to h~s buildinq insnection duties. <br />Mo~Neuer, ~ i f he ~~x~~re offereri the pos~i ti on, he ~~~oul d di sconti nEie hi s <br />heatinq !~usiness. <br />~n~ierson renor~C~d tPiat he has had ~xper4ence in resi~lential and <br />liqht indus1:rial insp°ct~ons. <br />Sca1ze as!<ed if Anderson fi~s t~~d anY c>rqhl^ms aritYi contractors 'in <br />1;he past. ,~nr!erson r~p1ied that 'Por the i,i~st par4 he h~s not, Us~.~~11y <br />i f a cont;r<~r,tar i s i n~forvnec! as to ~.d~iY soi!iethi nn nas to h^ done, they <br />are acresable. <br />Anderson a1 so renortec t%iai: 4ie has done pl umhi nc! anci heati nc~ <br />insn~ctions. <br />[31 es~aner asked i P nnderson e~ot i nvol ve~~ i n coci~ ~nforcement, P~nderson <br />rehliec! thnt h~ c!id get 'into ,or,~ zoninn ~n~arc~men±;. <br />Flnderson reported that'~~ is in qood physical h~ait:4~ and has no <br />diahi~licies, <br />Cah~y ~!xp1 rai ned th~~ type of i nc~i vi d~ual tha4 the Ci ty i s 1 oo'~i n~ for <br />as ~de11 as the nos~tion and benefits ~nvolved~. <br />rahey ~~hankeC? Rriderson for his T.ime and reuorted tk~~t: the Council <br />b~oi~ilc~ he making ~it;> dscision shortly, <br />~dar -~- <br />
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