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illilUTrS <br />City Council <br />June 11, 1986 <br />Secor~ci anc.l Riee S~:r~et. ~'",r. ?31esc~nEr sucaqestec! tha~ ~if the Co«ncil is <br />!,!at2r agr~eab1 e to th~ em~rqencv connerti on, t:~ii s co~al d h~ i ncl udnc! <br />Corinect~ion as par~t of t;~e i<!aterline relocati~n pro,jeCt ~ti~ia.Y, ~the State saill <br />~,~~it'n hE doing. <br />f:oseville <br />(Cont.) Blesener reportec? ti~iat Pub"lic !n'orks ha.s reportc~, ~that it cnay be <br />necF,ssary ~to n~int the ~r~sir'e oP tPi~ C~ty v~ater toH~nr in the noi: <br />too distan~ future, and t4iis eraiernency ronnection ~NOUIo. b~ u~ilizer,l <br />s~a,ii 1 e~tnat ~~aor!< ~i s 5ei nn coe~pl eted. <br />I'~Y'. ~>~^S6'll^t" Sllqfi(~S(:^Cj l'id'C ~ilt? r.,tlrllYl@~'Y' ~)^ dV't~lOP17_°C~ l.0 ~00% <br />1 C11:0 '~(1(' I'Ic~~~tE?Y`... .. . <br />'r:r. B1 esen~r i n troc'ucs~d t~ie fo11 o~ai ng resol uti on anci movec! i t> adopt i on: <br />RESOLIITIOi~I ~~IO. t~fi-ii-?_4~5 - f1U1'fi!?RSZT.'JC, TII~ <br />i;ITY S:P!('~Ih,EER TO P",~°!1!:~: !1 R~POR7 pPi p, <br />SE~O!tp ~I.~TE? CO'1"IF~TIOi,I plIT1{ TH~' ~I7Y 0~- <br />ROSEVILLI' <br />The foregoing r~solution v~!as duly seconded by r~is. ~Jarclini. <br />~~~JBS (~)~ ~~F?S~.'.!1°1"~ ~~21"(jlill ~ $Cd~7@.'~ ~O~~Oy~i~ t'f1f12}/. <br />DIdyS (~). <br />R~~sol uti on dr,,cl ~ired ar!optc~i.. <br />1'his rEasolut'ion appe~rs in I?esolut:ion Bno'r, Plo. 15, Pa~e ^4;. <br />Asstiass:r~erit "Cl~e rity Enr:i~neer r~p~rted ~tnat the assessment r~a~aportiomnenl:s <br />~teaC>,~ortion- for Ilivis~on ~los. 60~15, Ei0042 anct n004~~ ~~~~rF:~ routine. <br />ment <br />Div. hlos. i~lrs. S~alza introc~uced ~ne follo~,~,~~inq reso1ution and r~oved its <br />6001 ~i, <br />GO0/~2, it% i0LU7IQiq p10. £;5-;i-?n,6 _ ~ppRrlVlt~c, <br />b004R~ T4~IE ~,$St'QS:~(_i~17 ('.rApPO(t7l~~li1`:PiTS POR <br /> f)I4ISI0"IS ad0. 60015, (i0(J~l, ;\:1D fi0044 <br />Agen<ia ,'l> I:ECiI°i~l'"~l~f~n I3Y 71IF CIT`( !~~d~ i:,l~~R <br />I~C~m i~o. 11 <br /> The forego~i nci resol uti ori ~r~a.s dt.ily ser.ond~d '~;~y f~!r. Co11 ova. <br /> Ayes !51 Scalze <br />Col'lova <br />i~lardini <br />rahey <br />~lesen~r <br /> <br />~~ays , <br />, <br />, <br />, <br />. <br />;o). <br /> Res~ cleclar~d ac!opted. <br /> 7ii~i s resol i~i~:i on appear> i n[~esol i.iti on ;3001< !~lo. 15, Paq? 24~~. <br /> <br />Peti ti on Th~ Ci ty has recei v~d ~ pc~t.i ti ori for tyie i mprover~ent of S/7 v~n <br />`~or 'fhe Stre ^t b2t~~leen Co~.inty Roacl -~antl D~mont. <br />Intproveit~ent 'k ~ * correceion <br />Of Sylvc~n Res. 86-6-258 <br />I~~f1,~Y1(~ci <br />Itera ~!0. 12 ?aqe -~I~- <br />