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,~z,~t,~rs <br />~i i,y CounC i l <br />June 11, 19Po <br />Pe'tition "!ayor '~ah~y rec~iv~c! ~ pFP:ition sic!ned by ~4 ~ I <br />~ > honteosan~ rs on Ponl <br />4~roin Driv~ oupo~~r~~g puP~lic acc~ss i:o tf~i~~ ;~ronos ec ballfield in the area <br />f•ioel Dr. from qriva. ialayor P~h~y accepted the petition, P>ut pointer,l <br /> out i: fiat there ars no pt ans ~to access ~ti~e b111 fiel ds fron~~ Ploel <br />Aqenda Driv~ anc! ar.c~ss is plannecl from Ed~erton. There is an ar,cess <br />Addit~ion drive pllnned for City vehic1es fro~,i i~loe1 Drive <br /> this arc2ss <br /> ~ni l l be control l ed ~~ii ~th a r;iii n or qa CE>. , <br />irs. Scalr~ pointed out tha~ i`.here is access planntad from ivo~l f)riv~ <br />to Gervai s[^i i l ~~~r'~c, but access to 1:'ne bal l fi el cls tiai l l'.>e frorn <br />£dgerton. <br />Sale Of ~racl Farnham of Juran & P;oody a}~peared ;aefore 'th~ Council re~~iestina, <br />~onds C'riat the Cotancil call for ti~e s~ale of bon~s ror Jt.i1y 23, 198`~. <br /> Farnham noted tiiat f.he Counc'il would be ac~ting prior to the pt.~blir <br />Re,enda hearing ~ten~;atively schedu1ed ~for July 2, bi.i~ tt~is s~~ill give nis <br />,!ldcli ti on fi rr!! ;nore time to pre~are for the sal ~ an<I to avoi ci the cri.inch of <br /> s~~zles tiiat ars expected in July and Flugust due to pending 1~q~isla'cion. <br /> r arnhai~~ poi nt~d o~at t~~~t ti~e bonds pros>osed consi st ofi ~1 , 51 ti, 000 i n <br /> general obl i g~ti on stor~~~ s~~nier bonds, 6'~t0,000 n~nera1 ob1 i gati on <br /> St~tc-aid bon~is ~ncl 5,20,OOp neneral obli~ation improvement bonrJs. <br /> Far.iharn r~portec that at ~he Jul~~ 2 i~ubiir_ hearing, snoi.~ld the Coi.incil <br /> wish tr~ de7~te cert~~in proj~~cts, there vaou1d be a.cienuate tiiue to <br /> change the hontl sale notic~s. <br />P~r. ~ahey poin~ec! out t6~~t i~y ~cting prior to th~ pendin~+ ch~nc~e <br />in leais1at~on, the City can take acivantage of a ~r~ore favorable <br />1 aua. ~ <br />7he Council ~rras agreeable~ to cal7ina for tti~ sale o~f the b~nds for <br />July 23, 19£;.F>, ~rith the und~rst~ndin~ ~hat the Coi.ancil still rc~tains <br />~the fl exi b~i 1 i ty to changw ~t~~e !~roposed l>ontls i f i t se~s fi 1: to do so. <br />`~s. N~rdini ini;roduc.ect ts,~e follo~.~~inq resolution and r~.~ov2d ics adontion: <br />RI_SOLUTIE)U I~~1. P,~-6_234. - PRQUT[~ING ~OR TIIF <br />?US!_IC SALF 01= "52,37'i,000 ';F"IF.RF;L 0~I i~~n,7T0i~1 <br />ftOtiDi 04 19~?~y ~Oil$SSTIPir~ 0;' ^S1~ilEi~000 <br />!'I:f~EiRl1L 0! I_IGATIO~I STO'2 SI-61~n i0i?~S OF 19f~f>, <br />~340,000 GFr,IcitAL OBI_TBATIOiI STATf:-F1Iil ,7RFcT <br />?3(lilpS Of" 1nn5 i1~,iD ~;'i20,000 G(:M1!t~f2~1~ ORI_IGI1TIQt,t <br />IiiPR.OV! i~icii7 i30PII1$ 0~ 19~~5 <br />Tna for2c~oing resolution vias duly seconcied by F~Ir. !31~sener. <br />llyes (5) tdardini, [3lesener, Col'lova, ~~I~e,Y, Scalz~. <br />Na_ys (0). <br />Resolirt~ion dec,1aretl adon~ted. <br />T9ii s resol ut4 on appears~ ~i n?.esol uti o~~i [look ~fo. 15, ?a~e 233. <br />PdC;E' -~- <br />