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~"~Z~.~l~7~.5 ~~r ~"~.~r n~(}l~~_t\R ~'1F~TZ!`~:a <br />CITY ~OUPlCIl_ <br />LI1'TL~ `,.~lP~111Di.A, i~17I~IP.1~Sf17;1 <br />Ju1y 9, 14`?5 <br />{'i~~rsi-~r~n* ~o call ancl nol;ic~ thercof a reh~i1~ir n!eet~ir~c, ofi thF <br />Counci 1 o~F ~he Ci ty of Li ttl e Canada, P~'Ci nnesota 4~!as rie~l r~, ~n the <br />9~th cJay o~P Ju1y, 1'1Sc~ ~in t:he Council Chai;iSers of ~tYi~ Ci~ty Cerrter <br />1oca~t.ed at: 515 Little ~~~nada #"toacl in said C~ity. <br />Aqenc~a h"~ayor hli ch~el 1=ah~y chai rer; the rn~:eti ne anci ca11 eci i~t: t:o order <br />I't.~m F?o. 1 at 7:30 P.?~~~1, and ~the folloaving me~rbers o~P the Council ~mc~re <br /> preserit at r~ll call: <br />P,e~n<ia r?r:i;~;;~.C'S ~S:t=SL"`I7: ;%iayor ~`1re i?ir.iiael "aiieY <br />I~ter~r N~~. 2 i,o~-ancilrian "r. !-?illiari ~lesener <br /> Councileian ~~1r. Ric't ~ollnva <br /> Counci1woman ?~",. ("ucs idardini <br /> Councill~~oraan I".rs. Reverly Scalze <br /> !lLSO "RrS`'P•17: City !:1^rk ;;r. Joseph Ch1ei~~cl: <br /> Corisi.~l t~i n~, unc!i naer i~Sr. I?onal c! Carl ey <br /> City Attorn~y "4r. Thomas Se~inFney <br /> Ci ty P1 anrier "'ir. !lavi rf Li cht <br /> Recnrr.!inc~ S^!:retary '+rs. !:aii~l~^n Glanz2r <br />f~iinutes ~+~Srs. Scalze indicatec'• i:Pia~t the folloe~inq correct~ions should ae <br /> inade co tha June 2_5, 19~Jn Council ~siee~:inc~ rsiinutes: <br />t\gnnc;d <br />Ite;n i~,lo. 3 On p~1qe 17, R~th paragrapi~, the ~~~~rc!s "~ast" and "x~iest" are <br /> transposed; <br /> On pan~ 23, 'nci parac;raph fron~ ~t'ris h ottom, ti~e r2ason Por <br /> ~iot renamii~o Ont;ario S~Creet i, t,iac tf~~e s~treel: nai7~ has <br /> alrea~!y been aesignated for tYiis str e~t and Co~.~ncil ~Felt <br /> i t shoiil d not ~>e ren~m~d. <br />r:~r. G;lesen2r ind'irac°d t'riat Resoli:~i:ion ~lo. ~'fi-~-2`;, slio!,!s }ii~; a, <br />vo~ing in favor of the r^solution, anc+ h^ ~,•ias nat oresent: at the <br />r;;eeti~ia. <br />~1rs. Scal ze i ntrod.ur.ed ~tl~ie fol l oFVi nq r~sol uii on anc; n~oved i ts adooti on: <br />RESOLliTTOi=! i~~0. HS-7-301 - A4~P(t0~,'IidG TNE <br />P;iTi•!UTrS Or THF JU`~~ 'i, in~;Ei ~2ii('~UT AI> <br />C(JUPlCIL "r~FTI~G 'r?ITHI 7l~E ~1.1T~_T1~!ED COh'RF.CTInF,1; <br />Thc for~coinc resolution vias dia1y s!~concfed hy `~is. !~larciini. <br />6,yPS (!i)~.`'J,f,d~~2.9, i`181"<llill, ~ili1F?,y, ~;O~~O~Jd, ~:~ES8t1(3i". <br />~lays (Ol. <br />?~solut~ion flc~cl~ared aciopted. <br />7his resolution ao~~~_~ars in R.~soli.ition Sc>ni< ido. 15, Pac;es 305 and 30G. <br />?aqe -1- <br />