<br />~lty f.011iiCl~
<br />Jt~ly f?, 1S1gii
<br />Sarcner
<br />Proposal
<br />(Coni;. )
<br />'3arr~t
<br />c. a, eir~e n~ s
<br />",c!e;~(la
<br />Tt~rn ~,~o. 7
<br />r..n~s
<br />Ura.i naa~.,
<br />4.GPY1Ci8
<br />itier,~ ,~!o. 7
<br />r,?orri son
<br />f'ro;~er ty
<br />i;c;encia
<br />r.~t~~~-, i~;o. ~
<br />T~IF'. ~t1(j1Yl^21" Y"E'.CO('1;'iFt1C~f`,Cl ~C{lil'('. $(~t,/C`.F" ~)n i)1"OU);1'~. "IJi rfY'0111 ~l"01)OSf'C~
<br />;1'Ilen A~~~rn.ie.
<br />Co1lova r~o9nted oui; th~~'i; thn pr~>oerty cai?not d.a~~^lno ~~rithnut sea~rer
<br />and av~,i;~~r,
<br />f3lesen2r poin~;nct e«t; ~~h~t. provic~ing ~rCi1i~C'ies is orrv it,e,,, for
<br />~~~hich t'~~ Citv cou~ld ~.is~ ta; incr~~men't financ.ir~~~>
<br />;~'di1P~/ S'Gilf:.°.C~ 'C(Id~; 1'~ 'f;~fl:) ~:11`..}/ C~C1C'.$ IIOt r)U~, $p~1di1^ B.PI(' '::~dL^1" lil 1`Ol"
<br />~:~arc~~ner ~~ros. , i?' i s tel l i ng tn~ ~~~ropr,,r~y os.rners tiiai: i;hey >nn~~l d
<br />(7E?~ t0~('lYli?Y' 1?l L`}lt? (~.'~,'!`70C11'~lf'~I(: 0~ ~~lS itl"~'l~.
<br />1'ii^ '_:ngirieer sta~,eci that ii, is very d~ffic!~lt to plari ~`or t;`~~
<br />ti'i,l~'I~;1^S lYl ti'lE~ 1PE,'il~ ~td~l°Yl ~lE C'.(1;!S Y10~ (!10'.9 S:~~f?1"C' ('^~p~~0~ll;lt?;1't
<br />~~~1~ ~ OCCUI" 911 ~'.lln dY'~d.
<br />Fah~~y cl~id n~a~~ ~eli2ve it +;iq~..i7d br., 1`~in~nc'ially prudent ft~r ~tn~, {;itY
<br />t(7 (~Y'OV1(~('. U'~1~1'G1@S ~b ~i1Y'C~YI'c?P nY'OS.~ Wtlr'.Pl 'I'C (10?S I10'~, iCY10A+I SH{'181`.
<br />vai 11 `iap~,~en ~~ri tri ~f he res'f: ofi ~`tie area..
<br />i'al~F~y iristruct~d %he City ';1er,< to ~in~fari~i Garcfri~r
<br />Council ;~as rr~v~iE~4~!ed ~th^ ;~-na~ineer's reE~~ort reyard
<br />ti~ra~;er and ~;;~e irnnrov~Fncn~ 'i s not feasi b1 e a~t ~Chi s
<br />is uncertain at~out ti~n d~velonrac~nt o~P ~the rr-.st o~
<br />C~l:?1^E`."~01"r ~ L`f1~ G.i~l^CJIi21" 'iY'qS. C'`.E'VP~Of)ClE?hR; t)t"OhQSd~
<br />v.~; ~ti'I1S ~F1P~IC'.
<br />'~iros. i.tta'~, tne
<br />i ng se4~er c~ncl
<br />ti,*~c <~s tne Si ty
<br />th^ I-P ilistrict.
<br />is not f<^.asi >l~
<br />T'1C ~:Yi~il tl^:'.1" V"^j)OY"'f;:?f~ ~'.rllt 1l0 (~.1"d111~.Cjt^. 2~152;."•(?Ylfi'S ~ 1^2 Yl;'f,^SS~1"V ~f pi"
<br />~rf~<, i;~rra,t proaertq ori Coun't~•/ Boad i.) at ttiis tin,2,
<br />141~ !:ilnltlnPl" PC`~)OPf;E~(t i,{1dL tl° S'~17~~ tl%? C~ISCUSSIiI(t $~l^ ~IIC (!t"11118q8
<br />^7@~'G?,P '>11'C~1 ~l`.fli-~. ~,~U11'~;~/ 1 YI ~ili: t)°X'~; '~°_4J C~d~/$. _. .
<br />~li'18 rnClYl(?(?Y' Y'P',)Or'tE?(i '[',;12'l: ~!IE-`. .iIISG q0'C: I;(1'1 f-)~~VF;,t;'I(1115 f0Y' '`L''1@
<br />i~'oi°risori area a.;~d w~i~ll h~ rev~c~~~inn ~tP~~ri.
<br />~7<,~;f~ -~ ~-
<br />