'I~~U'f`.C ;
<br />~~i~t,y Counci1
<br />ill~ly (i, ~q~ti
<br />Coi.iritry T1~}e for~~!o'in<; resolution ~~~as duly second:~ti t>y i~ls. ;~!arc'irii.
<br />!.~1^~IVF, i~.~/^S {j~ i3~8S(?t1(!i ~ I~di"C~"IYII~ $Cc1.~ZE?~ ~0~70Y~t~ ~1~7E?J.
<br />(Cont.) '~lays (0).
<br />Re,olu'i:i~aii d,~clar~~d adontai!.
<br />Ttl'I$ Y'nS0~~ltlQll 1i)p('.dPS 'IYl i~r^.>0~{I'Cl0`t "00i: f:!0, ~ i~ f d(?t:l .i,`''/.
<br />~`tos'te~i 'fh<~ C~ify ~~~orney r:~pnr~i,-.cf i~.~~at h1rs. ~i~>~teci's aCtnr~n:~y i °eques~ts:~t
<br />'rooert.,y ~~.nai, t'~ic C~i i.y <!ona c° s i`v'D ~~o~.~ards Dir~ ,,"ost~d' s cost oi` oe'i',ti nc?
<br /> dri anpraisal o~( 'iier ;~roper~i,y. 7he ,",t~orn,°Y p~intr.~d ou~t t'naf.
<br />n.o~nda s,ir,i~l;: tii^ raa t+.~ r qo
<br />~~ i;o co~ir;ai~~na'ci nn, t'~^ C i ty vroul d b^ re~p~ i r^d
<br />T te~r, fio. 11 to ron~r~5~_i9:e ~,300
<br />~t c~~.rards ~t~ie apprai sal . TriE~ C'i ~ty ~1t ~to•r~ir~y
<br /> r~e,oeir~~nc"ed t'~a~t f;hr. ''~ t.y :~iai<e i,h^ re~~uestzad donat~ion.
<br />I'ahey ~s'.eci ~iF Cne r~~~a~t~er do?s ro f,~ ~nn~~r,cnat.iori ~i~F i:he ~:ii,y ~;~rn.~lrs
<br />ha.Ve to pa.Y thr z;?,r,!? aqain.
<br />7=~e Ci ty 11t.~l:orn~v s i a~ ^ri ~h~i. thi s t?r~ul d~~r~ d~terrii ncrs !~y i;he
<br />Roard of Co~;~~~r(ssioners.
<br />~,'::~Y'S. Sf tl~ Z^ 1 flf,'i OC~UCF?Ci `t.ilt? '~07 ~ f)iq'I Yl!:', Y'2Sn~ l!1;10Y1 dtl<i +,110V^f! 1 t i %~)Oi)t;16Y1:
<br />'?~iSCUJ'(IOPI 'i,lp, ;;5-7-31 % - APPROV:ti+~r3 7!!?'
<br />~:AP(_h1nTTU t r)r. ,'~0 T~1':~'!~'t~?$ TFfF: 1~~> ZATSAL
<br />qF 7HF. F40STF0 PRr)P{-RTY
<br />"I'~e for~coinc r<~snlui:~ion s~ia, duly s~cnr;deri bv ;=~~s. ~i1rd'in'i.
<br />T1V2S ~j~.,iC:1~J~~ ~I:i?"C~lill~ 'rd~l"~~~ :'Z~^SE3?12Y'~ ~OIIO`Id.
<br />r1i3VS ~0~.
<br />:r~soln1:ion derl ~rerl ~,rior>1;~r.
<br />~fll S 1"250~ U~t'I OYl d~)~IP,dY' i l il i~8.'S0~ UL1011 ~300~'C ~~0. ~ 5~ ~ tub. ~C'.?~.
<br />(1as !^,s, ?Iarc!irii r^nc,rted t.`~a~: she sno'<,~ :!i th ±.h~, ~circ~ !'hinf abo~.iC
<br />? i pal i r~^s tiie rF~cen i: rli sast^r i ri `o~.inds ~~i ^~, and th° f'ar, t t:'na t f.nnre i s
<br /> ~~ Sfi~ili<~ms I'~pel'inr~ rimn~inq t.h roi.a~`i Lit:tle Can~icia.
<br />^onnria
<br />Itt~ra i~io. 12 i~l~~rc~i rii s~t<at~~c~ iV~ia.t; she ~~~oiil ~i 1 i!<~ ~o ~~ior,< i•ri cf~i the `,i ~f;v ~1 er•l
<br /> in c~r~t:act~inr~ rqoun~s V~~i~a~v 1nd r2q~a^stirir, tha~t ~t!i~~ City be !<eS~t
<br />~
<br /> ~inft>rin^d on t'ne sia~t us of i;h~~ in ~!,h~~ir r~i:y,
<br />situation
<br />t>ori: ,Author'ity ~'is. f~!arciin~i r~ecn~i1y ~tqur~d~ 9;r~~ Pnrt !\u~nori i.y ar~~d rer~or~;;ar'
<br />'(;'id1; 1'`L `,4d$ VQt^y 1I11,FlP2$'(:'ICl(:! dt1G ^C~I.ICd~t10Yt~~. Z~i3.PC~llll S~'.t1j:2Ci
<br />f~CK.'tlC~d 1,~'ld~', Sil^ '.~~OI.I~ G ~'1 ~:° '.~.0 I'i^c^~" ~t.'l f;il l~l - i:C0Y1p 9l C jl°V^~ Oi)innYl~
<br />I'Ct'1;1 ~~~0. 7~~ ~.Of'li?1~.,'~°n 'l;0 l!n({8f,^ ~;i1E'.~n qtl L`%lF lill`GfF13~;10"1 ?%1° dCQIl~'IY'~~C{
<br /><4~ri nG~ ~the 1;our.
<br />pa~3e -17-
<br />