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v1ZAlUTES <br />City Council <br />,August l7, 198s <br />Final RE50LU7T0~1 A10. 86-~ 37~ ~ REA~rIR.~1IP~G~ <br />Flpprova1 AUTMO~IZATION Oi~ Fl PROJECT Rbli) NOUSI?~1G <br />~3rutger PftOGftAi~9 UNDER P~iSMNES07A STATUTFS, C19;~P7!:R <br />IDt3 (Con~<) ~ki2C (f~tU1~ITCIP~IL NOUSING PROGRP,MS) )1ND <br />P,UTFIORIZI~dG T}iF ISSUAt~?t;E OP P~ULTIFA"~1ILY <br />FIOUSIPIG R~VEPIUF SONDS TO R~FUPIU I;phIDS <br />PREVIOUSI_Y ISSUED TO FIf~iP,PlCE TNE °ROJECT Ai~D <br />PROGRA~~1 AND AUTNQRI7SNG THE EXcCUTIOPI OF <br />V~lRIOUS ~OCUi~~Ft~l'fS Zh! COD!AiFCTIO~~ ThiEt2E~lITf~l <br />The foregoing resolution +~as duly seconded by i-1r. ~~lesener, <br />,nyes (5) Scalze, 3lesener, Collova, Fahey, Diardini. <br />fdays (0). <br />Resolution declarec! adosrted. <br />Thi s resol ut;i on appears i n ftesol i.iti on [~oo!; ~lo. 1~i, Panes ~37 t'nru 447. <br />Recess !~t this point iri t'ne ~meeting, °:5£i P.P1., Counci1 tool< a shor~t recess. <br /> The r.ieetin~ was reconvenPCl at 9:10 P,f1. <br />Connc~ iir. navid Johnson, rerresenting Connco Shoes, apperzretl before the <br />Shoes ~?~ C,ouncil and repc>rtetl that Connco has a 1~1,Oq0 square foo~ building. <br />Sic?n ~hey aioulci lil<e to le~se half of the bu~ildinc~ ~nd would lii<e an <br />Ordinance additional p.ylan sinn for the new t~usiness. hioviever, Connco <br /> currenl:ly i~as a roof sign and. in ord~r to get an ad<iitional <br />Agend.a. nylon, ~~~ould Yiave to remove t4~e roof siqn as it is non-conformine. <br />Item (do. 11 The s~9n could be moved off the roof and insta1led next to the <br /> builc'.ing on steel posts. Johnson reported that the cost. of movinn <br /> thi s si gn u~o~.i1 d be approximatnl y~;1 Ei,000 anc! ~ioul d real ly serve <br /> no purpose. Therefore, ~ohnson is renuesting the Council to considrr <br /> a text ~mencanient to the ordinan~e where roof signs sroiald be a11a,~rd <br /> to remain at the cliscretion of the Council ~,ihere it ~,~~oulcl serve r~o <br /> purnose f,o remove tsie si gn. <br /> Sca1ze point.ecl. out that the Council has to consicier how this <br /> amFndm~~nt would effect other signs in the City. <br /> Johnson stated that he is still proposinn triat roof si~ns be <br /> prohibited, but tha~ the Council has the flex~bility to allow <br /> Chern to rernain if moving tihe sign e~Jill ~r~ake no differenc.e. <br /> Th~ Planner po~inted out t'nat the Code alloa~s t4vo p,ylon signs <br /> on a nroperty if the~^e ar<^ more than o.;e business on thc property. <br /> The orobler~ G~iitVi ~th~ Connco rPquest is ~that ~he roof sign must <br /> be brougpit into complianc~ with the Code if an ac.idit~onal pylon <br /> is installed. <br />Sralze indicated that she felt if Connco again occupied the ~~ihol~ <br />i~iai 1 c!i ng at a 1 ater date, ttie second nyl on snoul d corne doG~rn. <br />Paye -13- <br />