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i~!IzdUTES <br />City Council <br />Auqust 27, 1°B& <br />FaSEment RESOLUTIOPI ~10. f36-f3-3~0 - APPROVTPJG TFIr <br />Imp. vo. EASE~1~IdT PURCf~IASE AGS2~F~+IENT FOR IP+IPROVEi~IEAdT <br />£~~-13 (Cont.) ^!0. 3n-15 INVOLVI~lG THE FOSTFR PROPERTY <br />7he fiorenoinn resolution µdas duly seconded by 4'!s. ~lardini. <br />hyes (51 i31esener, P~ardini, Collova, Sralre, Fahey. <br />il~_ys (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />This resoliation a~pears in Reso1ution f3ook No. 15, s'age ~d51. <br />The City Clerk reported that the Sneriff's Department ~s recommending <br />~fnpo~°.~~ that t~mo used squad cars be donated to the Ramsey Covnty La!<e and <br />Trail Reserve Unit rather than auctioninc! off these vehicles. The <br />Sq~.iad Cars ShErif~f's [)epartment has reported tha~t the Deoartrnent vrould recei+~e <br />a minimal a.mount for 1.hese cars at a~action. <br />Agenda <br />ltem Pdo. 15 ~~s. rlarc!i ni i ntroduced the fol l owi ng resol uti on anci moved i ts adopti on: <br />RFSOlUTIOA! "J0. fl5-8-38~ - APPROVI~JG T~IE <br />CITY~'S P,~R7T.GIPAT?OM Ii~! TFIE DOP!1\TIOi~I <br />OF Tt~lO USFD SQUIlD CARS TO THE RAi~1SEY <br />COUPITY I_AKE Ahif~ TRAII_ R£SrRVF Ui~IIT <br />The foregoinq resolution Evas duly seconcsed by f~r. ~les^ner. <br />Ayes (~) Narclini, Bl~~sener, Col1ova, Faney, Sca1z~. <br />P!ays (Q). <br />f2esolution declarecl adopted. <br />7his re~sol~ition appears in Resolution Boo~ tilo. 15, Page 457_. <br />(:,ambling P1s. Plardini intrnd.uced the following resolution and moved~ its adoption: <br />License <br />R~n~~saals RESOLUTTOPI P~10. 36-8-3~7_ - RG~IE;~fi1~4(:, TH~ G,AMBL~PIG <br />L.ICE(~ISE f~(~R 7H[ JACf)BSEi! ~~iF.~40RIAi_ Afi~IE~tIC.A~.I <br />I\oenda LEGIOV P~ST 437 IOCATED AT DTCi< AP!D MARY'S <br />Fiddi tion <br />The foreyoinc~ reso1ution vaas duly sec.onded by t~1r. Co11ov~. <br />F~yes (5) ~lardini, Col1ova, Scalze, Blesen~r, Fah~y. <br />Plays (~). <br />Resolution decl~red adopted. <br />Tnis reso1ution apnears in R°solution ~ookk ~lo. 15, "a9e °~5~. <br />Gerva~s `1i11 f1rs. Scalze renorteci that t'n^ Park f,ommission is requestirig <br />~ar'~c approval of a change ordcr for `L!10 lineal Feet of silt fence for <br />Chanqe-Order erosion r.ontr~';, £~0 feet of cu1vert and rel~ted oaork and <br />installation of a child-proof yrate at the up{~er end of the <br />culvert in Gervais P4i11 Par",<. These changes are required by <br />the ;datersheci Distric.t to rneet. their oerrnit requirements. <br />Uaye -19- <br />