<br />i.ity Co«ncil
<br />Se~,t. 10, 14'',;;
<br />Dan nrai<^ ~1rs, Scralze ~irit:rot`~icec; 1;he fo'I~lo.~rinq rF~sol!it'ion and ~.r.~ov2ci ~its adop~ion:
<br />?arl
<br />^ocijnission !?ESOL~~l7I(1".I P1Q. `>>-9-~O5 - It:iST4ti~7Ii~~c~ Tl~if::
<br />Sc~rvir~ CiTY'Ci ~.f;i; TO ~~ f'? p,.-~ f2TI~'I~~1Ti ~~I~ ;iP~n~-~I".TIO~!
<br />T! ;~;1id 7'hl<r :'r)2 IIiS Y~!';G>c ~~ir ~,~n~,~Zr~r ni~ Ttl~
<br />~r,~nc{a "p,'~: !,'~ TS$TOb!
<br />r. i;~n, ~
<br />7hie for^~?o~inc~ ra~so~lii~tion Gias ~'t~1v s~acondeci ~~ ~s. i~!ar~.~in'i.
<br />,~',~1."lS ~J~ ~{{:r3~lC~ Ii81"C''ll?1~ t'ril(^/~ R~F~SPYI!?Y'~ ~.p~~QV$.
<br />~~d`!~ ~~~.
<br />=.eso1 u~ti ~n cecl s.red acbn t~~J.
<br />t~:l'IS }";?50~~i"~10?i d':,)72iJY'S lYi i}°iO~U'C1011 '.i00~C ?~~0. ~:±~ i~8.f~p •~.%~,
<br />i;PY'V:I1S 'i'tY'So ~ d~/(~ 1"':j)0'f~;i?O "t`.fld'C 410Y'~< 1S ;)Y'pf~Y'^S;1Y1<" 011 ~~;{1F ~~;?t"V115 :"!l~~
<br />G'1i1'I Pari< P~~r~: arF~a. ~
<br />n~0£?rlCiu iC8~7~: 1"°3r)O1"{;:.~(i t(ldf: l`i1F? ;:~10i"~ f01" f1Pld~ (IY'dYl¢, d~?~171~i1"f;10Y1 ~OY' 'C~IE'
<br />7t,(-`,7" ~~ j~dY'~< l5 C~IJI~t@ ~~11(:'f;i'Iy d"7C~ COU~C! t~OS~: 3o il1tJC71 dS S~~n~~~). S(:d~7_E'
<br />1"f'CO~ilti)C?C1C~E3C~ 1:~d{: "l:{'1~9 i,"11;y ~ S P8}"': ~OYIStl~ ~1:c1111; hi? dI,1~:~f101"1 ZE?C~ 'i:C
<br />~roceF.,d wi~th i;{~e~gran~f, a~pl~ieat~ion.
<br />f~irs. S~;:il z,e i n~t•rodi.~c~^c{ the fn11 owi nc r^sc~'I ui'i on an~ r:tov~c i~;s ~cro~ti on:
<br />2"SI;LUTrrp~ ~i0. ~':,~_9_n.{)5 _. rtiU"fll!1R7"I_I"I(i T!II~
<br />~IiYTS ~'~P.'r'. !;0~ S II T!!,;17 T;) P!'Q~rc;i ~;I.T.TFI
<br />„l:~ll';L GRl1i~1T nPf'LIC.~TSOnf ~;IO`?i<
<br />Tiic~ forego~nq resolut;ion ~sras duly second,~rl 'oY i~1s. f+drd~ini.
<br />P~~/PS ~Ji iCd~li?y ~vBPC~lYl1~ (,O~~OVc).~ i'"tl'1^i~e i~~P,iP.C1EY'.
<br />IdfS !i)).
<br />i;esol ~,~t'i nri e!ecl ara~c~ ado!~ted.
<br />Thi s resol u~ti on a.ppe~.rs i n R~s~l ui:i on I?ook t:io. 15, P<1ne <~.77.
<br />The ri tiy ~,~ttorne;~ report.2d th~~P; 'i t rnay be necessa.r,~ ~o ha.vn anotNier
<br />apnraisal c,orie o~f ~t'.'ite r~ark prop^r~ty a.s uart of ~the qr~.nt appl'ir.ation.
<br />TYIf? ;',`~l,`py`n;?y }"^ni1E?5'~:.~C%~ ~ili?~C ~i;il^ $C?COYI(~ dpllY'd15"cl~ ~)f? ~]U'l`.~19t"1Z°(~ dt
<br />;his tirie, howev<,~r, it h,s s~i;~i11 not ~~~en ~~l~re,rin~d ~r~iF~thar t;h~.,
<br />~1n~~raisal ~:~i11 n~ necessar_y,
<br />~~?r. r;ol l ova. i n~t:rodi,ic~d the f~110~.~~~i nq resol uti c?n ar~r; rio~red i'cs zic~opf:i on;
<br />~?~? ;OLIITS~I~~ ;,gl, ~b-q_n{~7 _ n,UTHO;?Tt.TiiG ;}p:l
<br />/~IPPR,~T~AI. OF ~'iRl: PRf?~LRTY IP~ ~Oi!JUP~ICTIOt~
<br />~iI71I 7'I~' P11R.IC ?:?ii'll' .~~~I~LTC~1'fT~l`! Si'~I TII~ ~`f"P'T
<br />p,~IOTPI`"R ~.P'i";,4ISP~L IS Idcr~-;Sl1RY
<br />pac~~ _1 [;..
<br />