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i;lI!,:,t11'~:<~ <br />rt'r`J ~~~1.t11C.l~l <br />Sc'i)'t. 10~ 193~~ <br />~_andsr.ap~ Prescri~~i.ion 1_and5~a~c r~~port~~d tha.t d~_iring the las~ L~.~o s~iee2s ;,h2 <br />"~asinesses properi,y has `~e~n T.o~t,.illy clean~a t~ip and no nnn has conic oi~t ~n~ <br />( Corit. ; i oo::2d ,~.t tY~e si te. <br />tl~rd.ini po~nted that blac'r,t~~poina h~;s no~t be~n dnnc. <br />~r2scri pti on repor~tecl ~hat thi s~~~oul d'u<<~ done ny "?r. Fra ctal one <br />if th2 Cni,~ncil auoroved t4ie landscape husiness^s on t.hv prot>erty. <br />F~4~e,~ ;isked if Prescriution hac, sperrC tnoney on ~tY~e proper~y, <br />`>r^sc~iption re~lied t'i~t they nac~ not, ~~ut'9r. Fr~l;talon^ had <br />a.c!~lecl a bai;hroori e~s +;~el l as tital l s and ne~ra ~di ri nq. <br />j.'IY'. i,r1Ci°1"i011 ~l$~<F?f) $ilil'~ 11` 't}l(? ~.Ol1Y1Cl~ 1^i?S~~Y'1C1;S i:~"IE9 il£',4'1 C'.(?(A1',)i'1°YI~: <br />(18 CdYt hY"IYICI 0!1 ~til@ f)t"0})C'Y'Gy l`Ilrl'C hP. ~)r? Y'8S'rt^1C$@C~ ~fY'nlll u"lii~Tt,~:it1CY fiV@1^ <br />ii pi1P.-1`:Oi1[)lC!C-US)'~PUC~:. <br />Col l ov~t i m`ormed ,~tnderson ti~a.t tli:~ Co~.irici 1 ~~!~ , conc~r;i<~cl abot~t: s~.tch <br />tliinr,s as t1ni: trucl<s or catepi1l~rs. <br />?r~scrintion as!<ed ~tnat thn;~ bc~ al1o~~lec! to stay on i;f'ie pror~ert,; 'ior <br />on° ,year. Prescrintion r~ointn<i out: t:~at: their leas~~ ~s ~~~.p in <br />i'narch ~tul in1~ 'i> a dii'ficu1t ~'in;e o~ tV~F ~s*ar for lh~~r.i ~Lo relocat~ <br />dS l.fl^lt" CdSi1 'F~0!°I 1S CI041i1, ~1"°SCP1!")"t10f1 PP.C)Ol"1:.8C1 '~.Ild1`. '~f181P CQtil~)il'"1~ <br />pl ans tio r;roti~ an<f expand anc! i~t may 'o^ tha.t a~; ~he c~n~~ ~i' a y~~~r <br />'r'flE?~ i7~.% C)2 !'C-'tt:ltlCt 'IYI'~'.0 ~8}lfiiC~~ltlj dY1C~ ~t10tI~C~ S~fdil~: 'CO N8~7Cd'~'n i,0 <br />ano~t4~~r ar~a< Jilso, t'r~2~ir cash flos~~ ~aroiilci be ~!~~ ~in the fal'I of ~ciie <br />~/:?cll" 'i!111Ci1 'af011~C% l:idi<° 1L °i'1Slf?}^ 'CO Y'c`~OCd'C.°.. <br />'~ d~flE`,~/ ':!d5 d<Il"(1°F1~)~ [? 1`.0 i,fll ;}"^qUr?Sl`.. >Cd7 Z^ d~ Sp 3CiY'^(?(;, <br />'~I~rdini asked ~i~ i,'~e Cii:y avould be a~l~~ t.o ^nforc~ an a~reernen~t. <br />~hicn ;~ovle! 1ir-~it th~ t.~pea of eqi.iium~nt thes~ t~~~o b+~~ri^ssas could <br />!1dV^ 011 f:~t2 C)1"0lil,lSf35. ~d~fl,<?% lc^~f -~;fltli; ~;tl^ il(7,t"C'.°[i?^Il~ S!Oll~Ci I)^ d <br />COII(!l"~."IOYi ~f L`ilE: ~'IC.^YlS(.: 111~! 'l.~l~'. I'IC~?P1S(? COtl~Ci {)^ 1"P.VO!:^~~ lf CN1~Y'E? <br />~:!~!s a probl„~;,, <br />Sca'Ize poinied out t'r»f tne ~i~ty ~~~ould issu:~ Prescripl'.inn a. non- <br />ren<~uab1~ i'~usiness licerise. <br />i~ir. A'nderson po~i nt~~o out t1~at ~ther~ i s a prohl rm i~etiieen "'r. Schul tz <br />an~ I~,1r. Frat~i;alon~ anc! 'ne rii<f no~c ~~a.rit ~to g~t caueht in The ~~~ici~'-1~ <br />of i t, ~1nderson r~q~.ieste~ ~tP~a~: ~ f thnre L~~ere cs>snpl a.i nts ahotrt i.'ne <br />businesses, that th;'~ Council consid~~r th~ coropla.irrts r,ai°~~~,i11y, <br />~ <br />F~h~Y sfi;ated i,hat 'Che C'ii~/ adou~ld h~ ceris'itiv~~ to ~~ir. ,nri~!erson s <br />oos'i ~t~ on. <br />Blesei~er s~t.a~t^~~ th~t he fel't °rescr'ip'tion anc r~riderson shauld 'oc~ <br />n <br />7~1(tn _~~_ <br />