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10-01-86 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
10-01-86 Council Minutes
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f~INUTGS OF THF 410RKSNOP MEETTNG <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />I.ITTLE CAPIADA, P1tNM1lESOTA <br />October l, 1986 <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a workshop meeting of the <br />Council of the City of Little Canada, Minnesota was held on the <br />lst day of October, 19II6 in the Counci1 Chambers of the City <br />Center locateci at 515 Little Canada Road in said City. <br />Acting M~yor Beverly Scalze chaired the meeting and cal1ed it to <br />order at 7:15 P.P4. and the followin9 rnembers of the Council were <br />present at roll call: <br />M[ME3FRS PRESEMT: P1ayor P1r. P1ichael Fahey (arrived <br />Counc9lman P~ir. William Blesener <br />Councilman P1r. Rick Collova (arrived <br />Counci1woman f4s. Mugs ~larciini <br />Councilwoman P4rs. ~3everly Scalze <br />FlLSO PRESENT: City Cler'~ h4r. Joseph Chlebeck <br />f3uilding Inspector P1r. John Palacio <br />Fire Chief Mr. Dick f2oss <br />Recreation Director h1r. Jim Moretan <br />Public 4lorks Supt. Mr. Roger Glanzer <br />Recording Secretar,y Nlrs. Kathleen Glanzer <br />City Auditor P~r. Robert Voto <br />19II7 P1r. Robert Voto, City Auditor, presented the Council with a report <br />f3udget outlining the City's bonded debt tax levies as aietl as total tax <br />levies. Voto presented the Council with an analysis of bonded tax <br />levies and explained the City's strategy or plan for each 1ev,y. <br />Next Voto presented a graph i1lustrating historical tax levies by <br />bond issue. The next exhibit that ~aas presented outlined scheduled <br />versus estimated tax levies. Voto recommended that the City levy <br />$fi00,000 for 19£37. This amount included $115,000 fior 1986 Storm <br />Sewer E~onds and $25,000 for 19II6 P4S11 E3onds. <br />7:25) <br />7:30) <br />The next exhibit, Exhibit D, outlined estimated tax levies by bond <br />issue through the year 2,000, at which time no 1evies 4aere <br />anticipated, Voto explained that 1994 is estimated as the peak <br />year with a levy at $650,000. However, Voto predicted that increased <br />assessed valuations wilt bring this amount do~Nn to $600,000. Voto <br />reported that the State is consi<lering changes with regard to <br />assessed valuation for commercial and industrial property, wh9ch <br />will decrease taxes for this property wh91e increasing it for <br />residential, Changes are a1so being considered with regard to <br />school district tax levies, which could cause dramatic changes. <br />Voto also stated that improved investment yields as eve11 as cash <br />connection charges will assist in keeping estimated tax levies at <br />the $500,000 level. <br />Exhibit F shov~ed the history of property tax levies in the City. <br />Page -1- <br />
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