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:±r~iu r~~s <br />Cif.y Counc~il <br />;')c1;. ?i', 19~i'i <br />Larr,y Lee <br />Nouse <br />P,nl ocai. i or~ <br />(Con~e,) <br />~4r. Lee rrport~c.! thr~t he >>iill cori~~ly ~~it4~ the Ru~il~~ing Tns~ecY,or's <br />recoi-iru-~ndat;i ons, i_er a1 so r~ port;ed that he sui 11 br~ re-s~:taccoi nc; ~t~ie <br />hoaie as ~r~~11 as i:hr~ foundation o~f thc ~,~ta1!; !~ortion o~ ~f;he ho'~;~e. <br />Lee reportec! that tPie aspn~alt ~is ronis>l~te on the street;, and i~ie <br />',~71 ~ ~ y)~.' Cli"OCE.'(?G~l YIf± {:0 S^7 ~ l`4lf? Y'(:'.f!i;i111C'E?Y' Of tf1L' ~ n ~S. <br />Elaine ZoC'n, a<~jacE~nt propertv o~lrner, s~tal:ed that she had no ob;lec"C.ions <br />~f:o ~Che relocat.~ion ~fi' ~t'n^ hor~~e, ou~t indic~~.itnd tha.i. ~~'~r. Lee had agreed <br />to install a fen.r,e bettve2n 'n'is proper~t~~ and her's. <br />i ir. l_~2 r^pl i ec! i;ht~t thn Fencn iias not. '.7cen i ns ~a71 ec. bec,aiase fi nal <br />c;r~idinq ~.~~as no~ cnmplete, but LPiis fence Uroul<` he in:>'talled shor~tly. <br />f4u~ fenc;~ sai 11 bc chai n-1 i nl; and 4v'i'11 be i ns~ta11 ec! nn th~ ~r~iest <br />pro~~er~ty 1 i ne o~P ti~ie loch oro~er'Cy. <br />`~":s. 'darc!ini intro~!uced 2he fo~l'In4~~in; reaso1uiion an~': raoved, its adontion: <br />R`iSOLUTIOt.I ;~~0. x3~i_1D-4.4~a _ (;LQSIh!~ Tt!E <br />PU3LSC '.iFA'iZI."'(?~ Oii 1"li~ I_IIR2Y I_~~ RE:~)Uk:$T <br />~OR COi~!DSTtCP!I±L. U~F pE.l:'~'TT FO[; N~U>E <br />RcLOC,A7Tnp~ <br />Ti~e foreno'iny resolii~iori uias tlu'I,y seconclecl by ~~ir. 3leserier. <br />?~,yPS (5)~i~arcl'ir~ii, f31;~sen~~r, Scalze, Collova, 1=ane~/, <br />'r!ay^s (D). <br />Reso'lution declared arlopted. <br />7his resolu~t~ion app:~ars 'in ftesoliition i~ook l~io. 1`i, G'a~~2 'i23. <br />i1s. i(a~r~'ini introc!{iced ~h~ follo~d~nc! resol~a4:~on ~nc) mov~d i~:s ac~o;~tion: <br />R~SOLUTION ~10. 8;~_1•'.~-450 - .~Pf~>oO~IS~~!G ~S. <br />CO!J~)ITIOh!A.L US~ ,~~:;~i4ST .~S R,~OU~?STE') !'Y <br />I_q'Ry ~_Ir[: -0(? ~i!:L(?C,fl7IQ?! 01= 1'IiF. !.~~t.:l" n,-f <br />?~!~ SpU7h ~~!:'l1SSQ !31.~lD. TO !_~T 7, ~i_r;Cl: 1 <br />OF Tli; YORKTOCI ~~I~RTti PHAS~= IS !9ITI~1 TIIE <br />R~QUIRF.Pi!:`~!7 7iip,7 7!acr HOUir ~1~i[~T 7I1i_ <br />Ri:.(1UI42~" ~PiTS !1F T!li "UILDI??(~ It~i?FCTO'Z <br />AS QU71 I~i"[) I:~I ~ii~ l.'i:7T6~'. D~Sr(1 pSTOPFu <br />~l , 19£;f; A"JD ~IIT~f 7~I~: ^EQUI`?;ii~1~-~iT TIiP,r .n <br />~.~'i~.Tf'~-~_~i'~n ~'i11~.L. ii 1~~)T~,~.,~_~~~ i~T~')(:::~~''I ~~'~': <br />70r~~ 4";;OPF.RTY A?~iD T`iIS °R04>r2TY '\S A6.';%-~D <br />TO nR`iV10U>LY :'1~)r) 3rF0't'i T!I~; RF1.0~11TI9P': <br />zs r.o!~~r!_~:-r~n <br />The foraqoing reso~lution v~as duly secc~nd~d by i'.rs. Sca1zr.. <br />~yes ( 5) P!~rdi n~ ,~c,ll x~, ~1 esen2r, Fa~iey, ':ol ~I ova. <br />i~!ays !0). <br />I;~sol uf,i on decl ar~a~ ~~dopted. <br />Tnis r~solu~tion ~opears ~in R±~~so~l~a~l~.ion f?ooi< ~!o. ~I~, ~>a_ges 52~ anc( 5?_~i. <br />~~~~,~ _~_ <br />