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01-27-88 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
01-27-88 Council Minutes
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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />Jan. 27, 1988 <br />Loiter~ing <br />Ordinance <br />(Cont.) <br />Gardner <br />Br•os. <br />Lot Split <br />Fahey instr•ucted the City Cler•k to send copies of pages 37 and 38 of <br />the Council agenda to the Planning Commission which contain copies of <br />the City's cur~few and loiter•ing or•dinances. <br />Fahey infor•med Mr•. Lar•ry Lee, v~ho just ar~r•ived at the meeting, that <br />the Gardner Bros. lot split request was cancelled from this evening's <br />agenda. <br />Agenda Lar~r•y Lee repor~ted that he is the potential pur~chaser~ of the 2.7 acr~es <br />Item No. 8 of pr~oper•ty that Gar•dner• Br•os. i s r•equesti ng to spl i t fr•om thei r~ <br />par~cel . Lee r•epor~ted that i t i s hi s under•standi ng that befor~e the <br />Planning Commission will act on the lot split, they want to see <br />development plans for~ the par~cel. <br />Fahey r~epor~ted that one of the concer•ns r•aised by the Planning Commission <br />was whether~ or• not the pr~oper•ty was buildable. Fahey r•epor•ted that the <br />~ correction Planning Commission wants to be assur~ed that t~pr•oper•ty is buildable <br />rzes. 88-2-38 before acting on the lot split. The City has- received a letter from <br />the City Engineer~ stating that the pr•oper~ty is buildable. <br />Lee r•epor~ted that he has just begun working on development plans for• <br />the parcel and questioned the need to provide final development plans <br />befor~e getting a lot split. Lee felt this was a gr~eat expense to be <br />put to with no assur~ance that the lot split would even be appr~oved. <br />Scalze suggested that Lee pr~ovide a sketch plan for~ the development <br />of the site. <br />Lee pointed out that development plans r•equir•e a lot of time. Lee <br />al so poi nted out that he i s r~equesti ng no var•i ance for• the par•cel . <br />Fahey pointed out that the lot split was tabled pending a r~epor~t fr•om <br />the City Attor•ney, City Engineer• and City Planner• on the buildability of <br />the par•cel. The City now has a r•epor~t fr•om the Engineer• stating that <br />the par~cel is buildable. <br />Blesener~ felt that the buildability of the site should per•tain to the <br />soil conditions of the pr~oper~ty. Any building plans would have to <br />meet or•di nance r•equi r•ements. <br />Lee pointed out that ponding was also discussed, and the amount of <br />ponding for• the site cannot be deter~mined until building plans ar•e <br />developed. <br />Scalze felt the matter• was br~ought up due to the soil conditions of <br />P1r•. Lee's Slumber•land development and the necessity to pur•chase an <br />easement fr•om Gar•dner• Br•os. for• thi s devel opment. Scal ze poi nted <br />out that Mr•. Lee has testified that soil conditions ar•e bad in this <br />ar•ea. <br />Page -10- <br />
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