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P9INUTES <br />City Council <br />Feb. 24, 1988 <br />Leibel <br />Addition <br />Pr•el imi nar•y <br />Plat (Cont.1 <br />Ther•e was no one fr•om the gener•al public pr~esent wishing to comment <br />on the Leibel Addition pr•eliminar~y plat. <br />Mr•. Fahey introduced the following r•esolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 8II-2-60 - CLOSING THE PUBLIC <br />HEARING ON THE LEIBEL ADDITION PRELIMINARY <br />PLAT <br />The for~egoing r•esolution was duly seconded by Mr•s. Scalze. <br />Ayes (4) Fahey, Scalze, Collova, Blesener. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar~ed adopted. <br />This r~esolution appear•s in Resolution Book No. 19, Page 64. <br />The Planner~ noted that the Council will have a subsequent r•eview of <br />final plat in or•der• to ver•ify that title has been satisfactor•ily <br />r•evi ewed by the Ci ty Attor~ney. The Counci 1 al so r~etai ned the r~i ght <br />to r•eview the building per•mit application for~ Lot 1 at the time <br />the per•mit is r•equested. <br />Mr~. Blesener~ intr~oduced the following r~esolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-2-61 - APPROVIPIG THE <br />LEIBEL ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBJECT <br />TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY PLANNER <br />AS CONTAINFD IN HIS FEBRUARY 5, 1988 REPORT <br />The for•egoing r~esolution ~,~as duly seconded by Mr•s. SCalze. <br />Ayes (4) Qlesener~, Scalze, Fahey, Collova. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar•ed adopted. <br />This r~esolution appear•s in Resolution Book No. 19, Page 65. <br />The Planner• r~epor•ted that the final plat must be acted upon within <br />100 days of pr~el imi nar~y pl at appr~oval , unl ess ther•e i s a r•equest <br />for~ an extension on the par~t of the applicant in wr•iting and appr•oved <br />by the City Council. <br />Fahey suggested that Mr•. Leibel meet with the City Attor~ney to <br />deter~mine what documents will be necessar~y for• his r~eview of title. <br />Schr•ier~ Fahey opened the public hear~ing to consider~ a r•equest by Richar•d Schr•ier• <br />PUD for• a PUD Amendment and Conditional Use Per•mit in or•der~ to r•evise the <br />Amendment site plan pr~eviously appr~oved by the Council for• an 8-plex on his <br />property at Old County Road C and New County Road C. <br />Page -4- <br />