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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />Feb. 24, 1988 <br />Schr~ier~ Schr•ier asked that the matter~ be tabled for~ two weeks to give him <br />PUD the oppor•tunity to resear•ch his r~ecor•ds. Schr~ier• stated that it was <br />Amendment his belief that the PUD included this tr~iangular~ par~cel and that he <br />(Cont.) had 10 year•s in which to act on the development appr•oval gr•anted him <br /> in 1983 for this parcel. <br />Council discussed the maximum number~ of units that the site could be <br />developed with if it wer•e zoned R-3 or~ R-2. <br />Schr•ier• thought that the maximum number• of units under~ R-3 zoning <br />would be 12 and the maximum under• R-2 would be 7.B units. <br />Fahey pointed out that past meeting minutes indicate 8 units as the <br />maximum under• R-3 zoning. <br />Fahey r~equested that the City Planner~ take a fr~esh look at the development <br />pr~oposal and r~epor•t at the March 9th meeting. The Planner• should consider• <br />the Compr•ehensive Plan, impact on r•esidential neighbor•hood, the site <br />itself as well as the City's planning per~spective. <br />Fahey also suggested that the City Attor~ney r•esear~ch whatever• legal <br />documents ther•e ar~e in this matter~ in pr~epar~ation for• the Mar~ch 9th <br />meeting. <br />Mr. Blesener introduced the follo~ving resolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-2-62 - CONTINUING THE <br />PUBLIC HEARI~IG ON THE SCHRIER PUD APIENDMENT <br />AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST UNTIL <br />THE MARCH 9, 1988 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETI~IG <br />The for~egoing r•esolution was duly seconded by Mr~s. Scalze. <br />Ayes (4) Blesener, Scalze, Fahey, Collova. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar•ed adopted. <br />This r•esolution appear~s in Resolution Book No. 19, Page 66. <br />Fr•ank Fahey opened the public hear~ing on the Fr~ank Fr•attalone application <br />Fr•attalone for~ conditional use per~mit for• 102 W. County Road C for• inside stor~age <br />CUP by Prairie Fire Sprinkler Company. Fahey noted that the Planninn <br />Commission r~ecommended appr•oval of the CUP subject to the r•ecommendations <br />Agenda of the City Planner as contained in his February 11, 1988 report. <br />Item No. £3 <br />The City Planner• r•ecommended appr~oval of the CUP, noting that the <br />pr~oposed use is a per•mitted conditional use. <br />Ther•e was no one pr~esent fr•om the gener•al public wishing to comment <br />on thi s matter•. <br />Page -6- <br />