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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />~larch 23, 1988 <br />1996 The for~egoing r•esolution was duly seconded by Mr•. 6lesener~. <br />Olympics Ayes (4) Scalze, alesener•, Fahey, Collova. <br />(Cont.) Mays (0). <br />Resolution dec1ar~ed adopted. <br />This resolution appears in Resolution Book Mo. 19, Page 105. <br />Public Fahey opened the Public Hearing to consider the r~ezoning of City property <br />Hear•ing fr~om Gr~eenbr•ier~ to Payne Avenue from R-1 to Public for~ par~k pur•poses. <br />Thunder• <br />Bay Par~k Fahey r•epor~ted that the Planning Commission discussed the r~ezoning at <br />Rezoning length and r~ecommended appr•oval pr•ovided that the City make pr~ovision <br />for• the long-ter•m funding of development of the par~k ar•ea as well as <br />Agenda maintenance costs. Fahey pointed out that the pr•oper~ty must be r•ezoned <br />Item Mo. 5 befor~e it can be developed and long-ter~m planning for• the par~k will take <br />sever~al months. <br />Scalze r•epor•ted that she will be meeting with the Public Wor•ks Super•intendent <br />to put together some estimates of future maintenance costs. <br />Fahey pointed out that the public hear•ing is being held to consider• putting <br />the pr•oper~ty into Public zoning, not to consider~ development of the pr~oper~ty. <br />Before the park is improved, the City will have some idea of future <br />development and maintenance costs. <br />Scal ze al so r~epor~ted that the Par•k Commi ssi on i s cur•r~ently negoti ati ng wi th <br />NSP for~ gr~ant monies to be used in development of the par•k. P1oney has been <br />budgeted by the City for grading and trail improvement within the park for <br />1988. <br />Fahey asked if there was anyone from the general public present wishing <br />to speak on this matter•. <br />Dave Kir~cher•, 3078 Thunder• Bay Road, r~epor•ted that his pr•oper~ty abutts the <br />par•k pr•oper~ty and asked the City's intentions for~ development of the par•k. <br />Scalze r•epor~ted that the Par•k Commission is cur•r•ently developing plans for~ <br />the par•k and will be having neighbor•hood meetings to pr•esent the plan and <br />gather• i nput fr•om the nei ghbor•s. At thi s time ther~e are pl ans for• an <br />infor~mal ballfield ar~ea, open space, a tr•ail, and childr•en's play <br />equipment. <br />Kir•cher• asked if the City has consider•ed fencing along the par•k boundar~ies. <br />Scalze suggested that Kir~cher~ addr•ess his suggestions for• the par•k to <br />the Par~k Commission. Scalze also explained that the par•k land was <br />acquired by the City through park dedications that were made by developers <br />i n the ar•ea. <br />Ki r•cher~ asked the type of tr~ai 1 s that wer~e pl anned. <br />Page -3- <br />