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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />April 13, 1988 <br />Minutes The for•egoing r~esolution was duly seconded by P9r•. LaValle. <br />(Cont.) Ayes (41 Blesener•, LaValle, Scalze, Collova. <br />Dla,ys (0). <br />Resolution declar•ed adopted. <br />This r~esolution appear~s in Resolution Book ~lo. 19, Page 130. <br />Mr•. Blesener~ intr•oduced the following r•esolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-4-127 - APPROVING THE <br />MI~IUTES OF THE MARCH 23, 1988 CLOSED <br />SESSION OF TNE COU~ICIL AS SUBMITTED <br />The for•egoing r~esolution was duly seconded by P~r~. Collova. <br />Ayes (4) Blesener, Collova, Scalze, LaValle. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar•ed adopted. <br />This r•esolution appear~s in Resolution Book No. 19, Page 130. <br />Announce- Scalze r~epor~ted that pr•ior• to tonight's meeting at 6:30 P.M. Council <br />ments held a workshop meeting to receive the Park Survey report that was <br />pr•epar•ed for~ the Ci ty by Deci si on Resour•ces. Scal ze r•epor~ted that <br />Agenda some of the highlights of that r~epor•t is that the quality of life <br />Item No. 4 in Little Canada is ver•y high and was r~ated by r•espondents higher• <br />than r~atings r•eceived by other• subur•bs when sur~veyed by Decision <br />Resour•ces. 27% of the r•espondents sur~veyed stated that ther~e was <br />nothing they did not like about the City. <br />Scalze r~epor~ted that the sur~vey also r~evealed that 67% of the population <br />in the City pr~efer•r~ed outdoor• r•ecr~eation to indoor•, which is high with <br />the aver•age beinq between 45 and 50%. 93% of the r~espondents wer~e <br />satisfied with the City's quality of life. <br />The sur~vey indicated that wor•k needs to be done on communications and <br />some other• ar~eas. <br />The sur•vey al so i ndi cated that ther~e i s a str~ong desi r~e on the par~t of <br />the r•esi dents i n the Ci ty to have Spooner• Par~k pur~chased by the Ci ty. <br />63% of the r•espondents also would like to see a bike tr~ail ar~ound Lake <br />Ger~vais even if it meant an incr•ease in taxes. Ther•e is also inter•est <br />in the pur•chase of additional par•k land within the City as well as the <br />addition of a community r•oom onto the City Center~. <br />Scalze r~epor~ted that Decision Resour~ces will be pr~esenting the r~esults <br />of the sur•vey to the Par~k Commission at their• meeting next Thur~sday, <br />and if ther•e ar•e any questions that citizens would like asked about the <br />sur•vey r•esults, they can be pr~esented to Decision Resour•ces at that time. <br />Bl esener• al so r•epor•ted that the sur•vey i ndi cated an i nter~est i n the Ci ty' s <br />retaining the Gervais P1i11 park proper•ty as a nature preserve. <br />Page -2- <br />