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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />April 13, 1988 <br />Metaltr~onics <br />Tr~affi c <br />Pr~obl em <br />(Cont.l <br />City <br />Center <br />Expansion <br />Agenda <br />Item Mo. 9 <br />P1r~. al esener• i ntr~oduced the fol 1 owi ng r~esol uti on and moved i ts adopti on: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-4-132 - APPROVING A TEMPORARY <br />TURN-AROUND SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED AT THE EXPEPdSE <br />OF LARRY LEE ADJACENT TO THE P9ETALTRONICS PROPERTY <br />IN ORDER TO RELIEVE A TRAFFIC PRO[3LEM WITH THE <br />REQUIREMENT THAT P1R. LEE DEDICATE A TEPIPORARY <br />EASFP1ENT FOR THE TURN-AROUND TO THE CITY FOR AS <br />LONG AS TNE TURN-AROUND REMAINS <br />The for•egoing r•esolution was duly seconded by Mr•s. Scalze. <br />Ayes (4) Blesener•, Scalze, Collova, LaValle. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar~ed adopted. <br />This r•esolution appear•s in Resolution f~ook No. 19, Pages 135 and 136. <br />Scalze r~epor•ted that the next item on the agenda is r~eview of plans <br />pr~epar~ed by Shor~t, Elliott & Hendr•ickson for• expansion of the City <br />Center•. SEH has also pr•epar•ed cost estimates for~ the expansion. <br />Blesener• pointed out that the City's r~ecent sur•vey showed support for• <br />the addition of a community r•oom onto the City Center~. <br />Mr•. Dar•win Lindahl, r•epr•esenting SEH, appear•ed befor•e the Council antl <br />r•eviewed their~ pr~oposal for~ an addition to the City Center•. Lindahl <br />pointed out that SEN made a pr~evious expansion pr~oposal which was <br />r•eviewed by the Council and var•ious City depar•tments. Comments wer•e <br />made on this pr•oposal and SEH has attempted to addr•ess these comments <br />and put together a r~evised expansion pr•oposal. <br />Lindahl pointed out that comments wer~e made about the or~ientation of <br />the Council Chambev~s and suggestions ~^rer•e made about the ability to <br />divide the Council Chamber~s in half in or•der~ to pr•ovide additional <br />meeting r•oom. Lindahl explained the pr•oposed plan for• the Council <br />Chamber~s and the orientation of the Council table as well as seating, <br />entr•ance to the chamber•s and accessability to an adjoining confer•ence <br />area. Lindahl also reviewed his memo dated April 4, 1988 regarding <br />the cost of a par•tition to divide the Council Chamber~s. <br />Lindahl then reviewed his memo with regard to the size of the Council <br />Chambers. It had been suggested previously that the Chambers be large <br />enough to accommodate 250 people. However•, due to incr~eased cost factor~s <br />as well as the necessity to maintain a 30 foot setback to the neighbor•ing <br />r•esidential pr~oper~ty to the east or• intr•usion into the pr•esent par•kina <br />ar~ea on the west, this may not be feasible. <br />Scalze indicated that the 250 figur•e came up as this is the member•ship <br />of the 55+ Club. However•, Scalze felt the figur•e was exagger•ated since <br />she did not believe that all member~s of the Club attended all the Club's <br />meetings on a r~egular basis. Scalze suggested that the City get an idea <br />fr~om its senior• citizen coor~dinator• on the aver~age size of 55+ Club <br />meeting attendance. <br />Page -9- <br />