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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />May 11, 1988 <br />Bingo <br />(Cont.) <br />Eng <br />Dr•ai nage <br />Matter~ <br />Agenda <br />Addition <br />The Council was not awar~e of a gambling license held by the Chamber•. <br />Mr•s. Eng appear•ed befor•e the Council concer•ning the dr~ainage pr~oblem <br />she is exper•iencing on her• pr•oper•ty on County Road B-2. Eng r~eported <br />that she fir~st br•ought this pr~oblem to the City's attention in October•. <br />Eng then outlined the contents of a December~ 14, 1987 r~epor•t from the <br />Ramsey County Public Wor•ks Department on the dr~ainage pr~oblem. <br />Fahey pointed out that while the County has indicated that they will <br />clean the ditch and r~ebuild some dr~ainage str•uctures, the County has <br />not indicated that they would cor•r•ect the pr•oblem with standing water <br />in the fr•ont of the Eng lot. <br />Eng r•epor~ted that this past weekend the contractor~ for~ the lift station <br />pr~oject was finishing up and did some additional r•egr~ading of the <br />pr•oper•ty acr•oss the str~eet at the r•equest of that pr•operty owner~. <br />Eng r~epor~ted the fact that they have invested a gr•eat deal of money <br />into dr~ain tiling ar•ound their~ home. Eng also r~epor•ted that culver•ts <br />i n the ar~ea ar•e pl ugged wi th mud and after• a heavy r•ai n they get <br />standing water• in their~ fr•ont yar~d. <br />The City Engineer~ r•epor•ted that when he looked at the pr•operty last fall, <br />he deter~mined that the lake level was 1 foot higher• that the level of <br />the water• i n the di tch i n fr•ont of the Eng home. The Engi neer• was concer•ned <br />that if the water•way between the Eng and Hammond pr•oper~ties was opened <br />up, the water fr~om the lake would flow to the fr•ont of the Eng house. <br />Eng r•epor~ted that ther•e was never a pr•obl em wi th standi ng water~ unti 1 <br />the Metr•o Sewer~ Inter~ceptor Li ne was i nstal l ed. Eng r~epor~ted that her~ <br />proper•ty taxes keep incr~easing, but so does damage to her• pr•oper•ty. <br />Fahey pointed out that the Eng pr•operty is too low. <br />Eng asked why a building per•mit was ever~ issued for~ the pr•oper•ty. <br />Fahey noted that since the time the building per~mit was issued, Codes <br />have changed. Under~ today's Code a building per•mit would not be issued <br />since the pr•oper•ty is within the flood plain. <br />Fahey did not feel the pr~oblem was a City pr~oblem. Fahey pointed out <br />that County Road B-2 is a County r•oad. The City has done nothing to <br />contr•ibute to the water~ level of Ger~vais Lake which is higher• than <br />the water• level of the ditch in fr•ont of the Eng pr•oper•ty. Fahey pointed <br />out that water• will seek the lowest level. <br />The City Engineer• pointed out that last year• he investigated var~ious <br />options for• cor~r•ecting the problem, such as r•aising the Eng home. <br />However•, he deter~mi ned that such a pr~oject woul d not qual i fy for~ gr•ant <br />assistance. <br />Page -14- <br />