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MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />LITTLE CANADA, MINNESOTA <br />November 23, 1988 <br />Pur~suant to due call and notice thereof a re,qular meeting of the <br />Council of the City of Little Canada, Minnesota was held on the <br />23r•d day of November, 1988 in the Council Chamber•s of the City Center <br />located at 515 Little Canada Road in said City. <br />Agenda Mayor• Michael Fahey chair~ed the meeting and called it to order at <br />Item No. 1 7:30 P.M. and the following member•s of the Council wer~e present at <br />roll call: <br />Agenda MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor• Mr•. Michael Fahey <br />Item No. 2 Councilman Mr. Bill Blesener~ <br />Councilman Mr. Rick Collova <br />Councilman Mr. Jim LaValle <br />Councilwoman Mrs. Bever~ly Scalze <br />ALSO PRESENT: Ci ty Cl er•k Mr~. Joseph Chl ebeck <br />Consulting Engineer Mr. Donald Carley <br />Ci ty Attor•ney Mr•. Thomas Sweeney <br />Ci ty P1 anner Mr•. Steve Gr•i ttman <br />Recor•ding Secr•etary Mrs. Kathy Glanzer• <br />Plinutes Mr•. Fahey r•ecomnended that Resolution No. 88-11-483 of the November~ 2, <br />1988 Special Meeting be amended beginning at the fifth line fr•om the <br />Agenda bottom to read as follows: "AND FINALLY TNAT NORMAL WEAR AND TEAR, <br />Item No. 3 MAINTENANCE AND UTILITIES FOR THE ADDITION TO TNE LITTLE CANADA SCHOOL <br />PROPERTY WOULD BE TNE RESPONSI6ILITY OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT, HO~n~EVER, <br />THE CITY WOULD AGREE TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR EXTRA-ORDINARY REPAIRS <br />NECESSARY DUE TO CITY USE OF THE FACILITIES" with Fahey also recommending <br />that the words "AND P1AINTENANCE ITEMS" be eliminated. <br />Mr•. Blesener intr•oduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-11-501 - APPROVING TNE <br />MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 2, 1988 SPECIAL <br />MEETING AS AMENDED <br />The for•egoing resolution was duly seconded by Mr•. LaValle. <br />Ayes (51 Fahey, alesener•, LaValle, Collova, Sca1ze. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />This r•esolution appears in Resolution Book No. 20, Page 536. <br />Fahey r~ecommended that the fifth par~agraph on page 10 of the November 9, <br />1988 Council meeting minutes be amended to r•ead as follows: "Fahey felt <br />that any progr~am should specifically focus on the goals and objectives <br />of the City and not on developing a mission statement or~ better• personal <br />relationships between Councilper•sons because no difficulties existed <br />Page -1- <br />