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MINUTES <br />City Cow~cil <br />March B~ 1989 <br />Organizeci <br />Callection <br />Flecommend- <br />atic~ns <br />(ccmt. ) <br />~rnP Solid <br />needed an <br />buildings <br />Mr. Sween <br />t~ir. Fahey <br />adoption: <br />tJaste Advisory Cc~mmittee had indicated that they <br />ordinance adapted requiring the apari:mei~rf; <br />to participate in an cn-ganized collecticm basis. <br />=y indicated that he wc~uld lc~c~k int~ thi~. <br />introduced the foilowiny resalutian and mnved its <br />fiEE3C11...1..1'I"IUh.I NC:I. E39--3-9E, IPdriTFtl.lf.:l":[I'~II.'a 'I"IIE: C:TI'Y <br />..........._ ............................... _......................._........,..._..... <br />ATTORh1EY TO DFAFT Ahi AF'F'FtOPFtIATE ORDINAP•aC[' TO <br />F,EC2UIRE AF'AFTYIENT PUILDINGS AS THESF CC)NTRACT~, <br />EXPIF:E TO PARTICIPATE IN F~ECYCLING IN AN ^R6ANI?ED <br />COLLECTION BASIS OM11 THE SAME PASIS AS RF_SIDENCE5 <br />AS t~tAY BE FURTHEFt DECIDED EY THE C~UNC~I.... <br />The fc~regoing resc~lution was duly ser_cmded by Mr. LaValle. <br />Ayes !4? Callova~ Fahey, LaValle, Scalze. <br />Nays (~7). <br />Resolutian declared adopted. <br />This resc~lution appears in ~iesc~lution Boc~k• No. 21 ~ Page 98. <br />Don t~elson No cme appeared on behalf c~f the Dc~i~ Nelsan Watee <br />Connection Cannectian; therefore: the matL-e~- was n~t hear~„ <br />Ay encl a <br />Item No. 6 <br />Assmt. Mr. Fahey indicated that there were twa rc~utine As~essment <br />Reappar- Fieappc~rtio~~ments t~ be apprc~ved. <br />ticmments <br />Mr. Callc~va intrGduced the foilowing resolution and mc~vec7 <br />Agenda its adoption: <br />I tem Nc~ . 7a <br />IiE:~iDI_I..1TS[:11~1 hll:.i, Ll~i'--c3-r~7 Flf'F'{iC1V'.[I~II; F-15:iEi~i'.'ih'IE:'N"t' <br />_. ............._,......._.....__..._.._.,.......__.......,......_. _._.................._ <br />RF_APFORTTONMENT DIVISIDN NOS. DD062024 AI~1) <br />DDC~618E39 <br />The foregoing resoluticm was duly seccmded by Mrs. Scal~e. <br />pyes (4) Cc~llova~ Fahey~ L~Valle, 5calze. <br />I~lays (C~). <br />~iesaluticm declared adoptcd. <br />This resoluticm appeai-s in Fesalutic~n Pool: No. 21. F'age 99, <br />F'age -3- <br />