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C1INI7`I'Fi5 <br />City Council <br />April 12, 1~II~ <br />Announce- Nlrs, Scalzc indicated 'chat there c~rould be a ~~orksl~op with <br />ments tkae Fare ~e~artmenc on April lII at 7:00 p>m> at City IIa11. <br />(cont,) She statEd tt~at they would be lddressing ttze =uture of the <br />prescnt builciing and ec~uipment. C~1r. Blesener indica~ed that <br />there v~ere sorne structural z~roblerns that were iound ~aith ~he <br />I~' FIa11. FIe further indicated that they s•~oulci be <br />addressing the City Ilall expansion as well, <br />t1r. Gary Ilillany, a representative o[ the 2dorth Suburban <br />Xoutki 1~ssociation, appeared before the Council to give a <br />presentation about ~.heir organization anci what t~zey mean to <br />youth in our City. t•1r. IIilliny indicatec~ that the North <br />Suburban Youth 1lssociation is a chari~able gamblinc~ <br />organization formed to serve the youtki in tlie Diorth SuburbaAi <br />area. t~lr. EIilling stated tkiat tYiey are currently operating <br />out of T~ittle Canada's ~ingo fIall, <br />~-1r, Ilillinc~ stated ~.hat the Z~urpose oi tkie organization i.s <br />to rlise money ~nd give it a~~~ay to various municipalities <br />for their youth-related activities. TIr, IIi'lling indacated <br />that his organization ~eill be holc~ing a meeting, and he <br />invited the C,ouncil to at~enc~. FIe stated that he wouia <br />supply them taith that date. <br />P-1r. I;ob C•9atson, nxecu~ive Director of the Suburban <br />Youtiz Association, rnentioned that the Charter and their <br />F3y-la~as states ~hat ~he money that their organization rlises <br />must be donated only to youth-related <br />PZr. Platson indicated that tkae grant applicati.ons they <br />receiv~ must be worthwhile in order to be approved. <br />P•Zrs. Scalze thanlted the North Suburban Youth Association ior <br />their presentation. <br />Charitable P4rs. 5calze 9.nda.r,ated that there v~as three charitable <br />Gamblinc~ gambling license renesaals to be approved. t~lrs, Scalze <br />Li.cense stated tYiat these ~,~ere for >t, Joseph°s Society, Servants o~ <br />Renewals Mary, and the Lalce O~~~asso Ilome, <br />~genda P-1rs> Scalze stated that these charities have helped the City <br />Ttem No. 5 oi Little Canada purchase 3~ acreN of park land and pay for <br />the grading of tkais parl; through their donations, <br />P~4rs, Scalze mentioned that thesc charitable orgznizations <br />help many others besides the City of La.ttle Canada. <br />Page -2- <br />