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P~2inutes <br />Council T4eeting <br />July 1?.,, 19f39 <br /> C•1r. I3lesener intro~iuced the iollo~~~inc~ r.esolution ~ind moved <br />(cont o ) its 1do~>tion. <br />RESOL~U7'IODT D70, £39~7-3p). - t1PFI20~II~i6 THL P~SInTU!'P:,S O.F TFI~~ <br />Ji7D?F ?.8 p J.9F9 I:EGULI~R COUnICIL I~IFETTTTG ,?~S ~r1PI~iPFD. <br />The forec~oing reso7.ution v~as c7uJ~y seeonc~ed by Pirs, Scalze, <br />~1yes (4) <br />T7ays ( 0 ) <br />Reso7.u~9on declarec7 adopted, <br />Sprinl;ling <br />Pan PQr, Paliey introduced Atr, i4i11 L~iebeno~~ of ShorL-, P] & <br />IJenclr9.eicson, and 61r. David fiarris, SuperintendenL of <br />Public ?,?orics who are present i.n regard to the sprinkling <br />k~an that ~aas p7.ZCed in ef:iect by ~kae City <br />l~uc~ust 1 in connection 4ai'ch the water tower im~arovernents <br />that are necessary, h4r. I,eibenosv ~~ilJ_ explain exac~ly <br />~ahat the project involves anci Plre G~~i.7.1 add llis <br />cornmenL-s, <br />N1r> Pahey ac3ded that tkae City hass received a number oi <br />lctters ancl 'they are crying to be res~~onsive to Lkaese <br />J.e~ters. I3owever, we cannot put the iire service and <br />other iterns in jeopardy because o~ homeowners concerns <br />ak~out sod, <br />P~Ir. I.~iebenow adctressecl tkie Couzici7_ and ~:kze audience. IIe <br />stated that he ~aas asY,ec1 to ~~~ork e~~ith the City to rn~intain <br />the waier pressure iri the system ~•~hi.le t17e ~~ater to~=~er ~aas <br />beizzg painted, Tkie eaater tower v~il7. k~e va.lved ofF ancl <br />drainecl for six ~aeeel~s Lo t~ao rnonths durin~ this tirne, <br />~1r. I~iebenoGa statecl that the ~~ater tower serves three <br />cl:iff_erent functions. It a column oi ~,iater o~hich <br />rnzintains a steldy pressure on che sy>tem, i.t ~rovades a <br />reserve of ~~~ater io.r fighting firese and it f:al<es c2re o~ <br />the .Pe~k uses, Sn the summer tkle ;~eak use zs the <br />sprinkling of 7.a~~ms, ??hen tY~e to<<~er is valved oL£ 'che <br />City is dependent en~irely uS~on 2he ~~um~ing system, `r'kzere <br />is a limit as to hoc~ rnucka water cazl be pumpec7, <br />7?ac~e 2. <br />