Laserfiche WebLink <br />Cii.y Courzcil <br />Stal.y 1', 19H~ <br />F?~17 I~ic1s h9re Sanc?~rs reconunende:d ~that 'cl~r Ci~tp ~roceecl to abtain <br />i.n:i orrnaJ. Uic1U oaa t1~e ixista:Llation of_ a G" o~ell at Viorieer <br />P1rI; t.o ~e usrc~ _~'.or 9:he i.fric,atiozi s,y,siem inUtea.r3 ~f cit~~ <br />caater, <br />S.1rs, Scal.ze antro<7uced ~he L-olloo~i.ra; r_c~soluttan ~zac7 anaved <br />its acioptione <br />~~;,T DTO, F~9-7-31?. -- ?1U~i'SIO::II]:P,tG };IS~L~ S~\i'DL~..P,S `i'Q <br />- --~__ _._~.. _____~~ <br />OTlm[~I1~1 7NI'OT?~1~1T, ~UOC"F;S r'i;OC•7 LOC1~7, ~iTPT.,I, D.P.I7~I,FtRS t1S T7PI,L, t?.S <br />nT;iPR~i TkI11T IiE? ilAY f3P, 1\T'?,~Rt3 Oi ~~0;;. '1.'FII~~ ??;;I: FOO",2\GEs' F~`i'I[IATF'~ <br />r'p.P, TICI~ nRIT,S,TZQC OP Tilt~ Y?Pi,L, T7q PT.OP":P£_T: I'11F.It '.1.'Q ~'>L; <br />CONST.P.iJCTPn IT7 C'0~?,7TJP7C^1Tnr:! t'll:T1T TtSP IT;P.ZG117.'TON >YS7'}?[':T, <br />`Pkie :coregoing rc~oltzti.or~ was clul~ seconc1ecl l~y 1?:ir, F37.esenero <br />L>l E? S ( ~~'.~ ) <br />D]1ys (0) <br />Re.>o].ution d~cl~?red ado;gtecla <br />Mre Sanclers s~t:a.c~d ~hat the irric~atiori conl~rac'cors may need <br />to te~t the irri_gati.on systeni as they go alorzc~o ~~ <br />ternF~orary connection to tkie Cii.y c~~~~tnr m~y be ner.ess~ry <br />ju~t i:or Lestiny ~ur'?oses, <br />ti'i~ie well bids caill !~e on th~ nex~: ~cJend~e <br />T,1eaLric~1 <br />T.9orlc P1r. Sanders preUeni~ed ~he inforrnal. bi.cls t'or el.ectr.ica7. svork <br />in Spooner Park. 7'he electr:ical 5~~or.Y, inclu~a~a i.xnvr.ovemeni:s <br />co ~h~ mai.n electr3cal service ~°or C~in~tclian L)ay~, tn~ <br /> servac~ Z~t both .tiqkzt poles, the u;r~~er anci lo~rer <br />shel~er ~znd the 'oands'r_andp aza~9 relocatiorz of 4.he timer <br />ior the tennis couriu, TYie project is }?art oi tl~e <br />Celebrate tli.nnesota 19~?0 g,rojec~ u~ith 75~ o:~ the cost <br />cominc~ from th~ plrlc budc~et: and ?,5", from the State Crante <br />Tlr, Sanders recoinruendeel aoaarding t-l~e bid i.o ~rcaete F~leccr_ic <br />Company, <br />Mrs, Sr,alze zsztrocluced txie foll.ow:i.nc7 rESO1.uf:i.on ancl z~~oved <br />i_ts adoptiono <br />R~SOLt7TI()N 2?O, i39-7-3J..7, - 71Tq11RD.T.TI(:~ !T.'F:(F C01~?mF'..'F1(,'T I'OP TIIF~ <br />__~_. __.__ _ . _ _.__ . _.... <br />}' LPCTR.7 C,i1I 4IORR !1`1'' il'OOAIFR PARkZ 7.'0 11}?CF1~P k:LF'~C".2RTC T?`i TSTE <br />I~P7QU~?T Or' S3,~i70e00, <br />Tlae iore9oi.nq resolu~ion ~~~as cauJ.y secondec~ by t1r. e nlesener, <br />I~yes (~:) <br />Nay~ (0) <br />ResolLit:ion cl~clared ado;~tec~o <br />PacJe 9 <br />