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MINUTGS <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />JUNE 25, 1997 <br />cALL roa <br />AUDIT <br />WORKSFIOP <br />APPROVAL <br />OT WAGON <br />VENDORS <br />LIC~NS~ - <br />BIG B~LL <br />ICE CI2GAM <br />The City Administrator reported Chat given Che different technologies used <br />for billing of utiiities, iC was most cost-effective for Little Canada to bill <br />those Ma~~lewood ~ro~~erties connectetl to our utilities. <br />Morelan asl<ed about the study Chat Public Worl<s w~s doing relative to <br />property owners reading Cheir own water meCers 1nd repo~rtin~ the results <br />via a post card. <br />The City Administraror re~~lied Chat tl~e study should be completed shortly. <br />However, early indications are that s~ich a pr~gram will not be felsible, <br />anci a betCer sol~ition would be to have part-time worl<ers retiding water <br />meters. This is currently being done wifh The exce~~Cion thaC large <br />commercill ~ccotints ~re handled by ('ull-Yime sta'f1'. <br />Mr. rahey introd~iced the Poliowing resoluCion ~nd moved its 1do}~tio~~: <br />RESOL UTION N0. 97-6- ] 56 - CALI.LNG A COUNCII_ WORKSHOP <br />MEETING FOR WEDNL'SDf~Y, fl UGU.S'T l3, I))7A7' 6:30 P.M. FOR <br />PURPOSES O!' l~ECEI UING TflE 7996 A UD/T RGPORT.S' <br />The foregoing resolution was d~ily seconded by Scalze. <br />Ayes (5) Fahey, Scalre, Morel<~n, L,~Vaile, Pedersen. <br />Nays (0). Reso(ution declared ~dopted. <br />Mrs. Scalze introduced the foilowing resolution <tind inoved its ldoption: <br />RGSOI,UTICINNO. 97-G-157-APPROU/NGA WAGON vENDORS <br />I,lCGNSI FOR B/C; BILL !CE C/lBAfl~~IS REQUESTED <br />The fore~oin~ resol~~tion was duly seconded by Morelan. <br />Ayes (5) Sc~lze, Morelan, I~ahey, 1.aV~lle, Pedersen. <br />N1ys (0). Resolution tleclaretl adoptetl. <br />PHAL~N Scalze reported thlt Chere is a meetin~ ofthc Phalen Natural Resow~ces <br />NATURAL Bo1rd scheduled for tomorrow evening. `Che Board will be visiting the <br />R~SOURC~S Lal<e Gervais shoreline restor~llion site as well ~s Gervais Mill Pond. <br />BOARD <br />iV[~~TING <br />ADJOURN Mr. LaValle introtlucetl the Pollowing resolution <u~d movetl its adoption <br />I~ <br />