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iVIlNUTE5 <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />JULY 22, 1998 <br />Sc~lze reviewed die pasC hiseory in lssistin~ the Kandice Heigl~ts projects <br />and concerns that wei e expressed by other business owners about this <br />assistlnce. The TIF w1s provided to I<andice Heights with tl~e hope that <br />further development could occur wifh the help of the excess increments <br />tl~at would be ~ener~tecl. This addiYionai deve(opment did not happen. <br />The City Administrtita' reviewed tl~e annull debt service payments and the <br />ef~ect tl~at class rate reductions would have. The Administrator suggested <br />that the guarantee could be equal to the average debt service payment or <br />else the annual debt service payment. <br />Morelan s~i~gested that the minimum be set as eq~ial to the annual debt <br />se~vice payment for the reinainder of the life of the bond. This guarantee <br />will only come into pay if the Legislatw'e reduces class rates further for <br />commerciai/ind~istri~l property. <br />Ostlund ~sl<ed if taxes on this }~ro~erCy would be more tl~~n what they are <br />on lilce property. If so, that would m11<e the project non-competitive. <br />The Aciministrator pointed out that tax rates ~re going down. Tax rates <br />could gu up in the {'uture; however, other properfies would see this same <br />i~~crease. Klndice I-lei~hts p2ys taxes just lil<e all other properties do - no <br />more-no less. Fahey pointed out that if taxes go down, the minimum <br />amount paid by ICandice Heiahts woulcl be a~~ amowit eq~ia( to the City's <br />debt service on the bonds. Fahey suggested thlt if tax rates go down, <br />tl~e Council would be willin~ to have this discussion with the property <br />owners a~1in. 1-towever, at this poinC he w~s comfortable witli tl~e <br />suggestion made by Cowicil Member Morelan. <br />Fahey stated that the C,ity is interested in providin~ additional TIF <br />assisC2nce to finalize the tlevelopment in the area. L-Ie would be willing to <br />revisit the interest rlte if tl~at ~vill mal<e existing propeity more <br />competitive res~i(tin~ in ~dditional development i~~ the area. <br />Royce w2s ~~oC sure of'the effect of Council Member Morelan's suggestion <br />on the project. Fahey suggested that the details be discussed with staff and <br />should tl~ere be additional concerns, he wo~iid c111 1 s~eciil meeting ofthe <br />Council to discuss the m1CCer f~irCher. <br />The Administrltor pointed out th~t if class rates do not chan~e, the issue <br />will not come into play. The only way that the minim~im i~~crement <br />guarantee comes into play is if cl~ss raYes go down furtl~er tl~an what has <br />beeu enacted to date by the Legisl~ttw'e. <br />7 <br />