During the bid analysis, 2 math errors and one transposed number were found in the bids impacting
<br />three contractors. Based on the contract specifications given to all bidders, the City reserves the right
<br />to delete any and /or all schedules or items from the bid prior to award. The math errors were
<br />corrected and transposed number for the 4' striping (item 19 of schedule 4) was deleted from all bids.
<br />This item was deleted because the city determined it could perform this task with our own striping
<br />equipment. The bids were reanalyzed and Park Construction was the low bidder. The bids ranged
<br />from the low $1,172,914.52 to the high $1,505,949.25. A break down of the cost for the proposed
<br />work follows. Note that the feasibility and engineer estimate have been adjusted to reflect only the
<br />work bid.
<br />Recommendation:
<br />There are sufficient funds in the 2003 city budget for this work. The Park Commission met on
<br />March 24, 2003 and recommends Council award of the construction of Rondeau Park and the
<br />other Park related projects (Parking lots). In addition, City staff recommends Council award
<br />of the Sextant, Stark Street, Stark Manholes, and Market Place Drive work.
<br />H: \aregS \Streets \2003 Street Projects \2003 Second Memo.doc
<br />(2002/2003)
<br />2002 BID
<br />2003 BID
<br />Sextant
<br />$275,000.00
<br />$250,000.00
<br />$300,420.01
<br />$279,070.64
<br />Stark Street
<br />$257,000.00
<br />$240,000.00
<br />$269,702.07
<br />$214,741.18
<br />Stark Manholes
<br />$13,000.00
<br />$15,000.00
<br />$19,540.00
<br />$18,164.00
<br />Market Place
<br />Drive
<br />$745,000.00
<br />$620,000.00
<br />$802,636.50
<br />$523,444.76
<br />Subtotal
<br />$1,290,000.00
<br />$1,125,000.00
<br />$1,392,298.58
<br />$1,035,420.58
<br />Rondeau Park
<br />$95,000.00
<br />$102,912.26
<br />$85,846.94
<br />Parking Lots
<br />$50,000.00
<br />$70,593.53
<br />$51,647.00
<br />Total
<br />$1,270,000.00
<br />$1,565,804.37
<br />$1,172,914.52
<br />Recommendation:
<br />There are sufficient funds in the 2003 city budget for this work. The Park Commission met on
<br />March 24, 2003 and recommends Council award of the construction of Rondeau Park and the
<br />other Park related projects (Parking lots). In addition, City staff recommends Council award
<br />of the Sextant, Stark Street, Stark Manholes, and Market Place Drive work.
<br />H: \aregS \Streets \2003 Street Projects \2003 Second Memo.doc
<br />