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concept plan, the City Council has inferred that the length of this "cul -de -sac" would <br />temporarily exceed standards until the connection to Allan is made. <br />The neighbors has noted one issue with the current design, however. At present, there <br />is not adequate paved space at the end of Leeward Way, resulting in the need for vehicles <br />- particularly garbage trucks - to use private driveways for turning around to exit the <br />neighborhood. This has reportedly resulted in damage to driveways on occasion. <br />Because the termination of this street is temporary, staff has been reluctant to recommend <br />a large cul -de -sac. A "hammer- head" design may be adequate for this purpose without <br />requiring a substantial area, however, the recommendation of the City Engineer on this <br />point would be beneficial. <br />The Planning Commission should also take note of the map prepared by the City Engineer <br />for the future street improvements. The location of Leeward Way in this area begins to <br />curve slightly to align with its future extension. The City Engineer should verify that the <br />final design proposed by the applicant matches the long -term design requirements. This <br />curve will be important as it may be required to ensure that the westerly lot (Tract C) meets <br />the minimum 10,000 square feet of area. It is currently drawn at about 9,300 square feet. <br />Tract B should have more than adequate area as drawn, appearing to be about 12,600 <br />square feet. <br />Summary and Recommendation <br />Planning Staff recommends approval of the proposed subdivision as it appears to meet the <br />long -term expectations for street extensions in this area. The following conditions should <br />be included in this recommendation: <br />1. Verification by Certified Survey that lots meet all area and setback requirements of <br />the zoning ordinance. <br />2. Verification that the final design meets the City Engineer's recommendations for <br />future street and utility alignment. <br />3. Provision for a temporary turn - around at the end of the Leeward Way extension, <br />pursuant to recommendations from the City Engineer. <br />cc: Kathy Glanzer <br />Greg Schroeder <br />Steve Westerhaus <br />Terry Maurer <br />Page 15 <br />