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MINUTES <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />MAY 9, 2000 <br />Morelan suggested a temporary variance predicated on some assurance <br />that the building addition would be constructed within a certain amount of <br />time plus a soils report indicating that the property would support an <br />addition to the building. Morelan noted that with the phase two building <br />addition, the outdoor storage area proposed drops to 65% of the building <br />size, under the 75% maximum allowed by code. <br />Fahey noted that even under that scenario Precision Tree must be <br />convinced of the amount of outdoor storage that is adequate to run his <br />business. Fahey stated that he did not want to get into an enforcement <br />action to require Precision Tree to decrease their outdoor storage area. <br />Precision Tree noted that with TIF assistance he could build a bigger <br />building and that a bigger building may allow him to put equipment inside <br />and decrease the amount of outdoor storage he needs. <br />Fahey stated that rather than an interim variance approval, he would prefer <br />that the building size is increased and the outdoor storage brought into <br />compliance with the I -P standards. Fahey suggested that staff investigate <br />the possibility of TIF assistance for this project. <br />Mr. Fahey introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2000 -5 -117 — TABLING ACTION ON THE <br />PRECISION TREE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND VARIANCE <br />REQUEST PENDING A STAFF REPORT ON THE OPTION OF TAX <br />INCREMENT FINANCING ASSISTANCE FOR THIS PROJECT <br />AND REQUIRING A 60 -DAY WAIVER FROM PRECISION TREE <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Scalze. <br />Ayes (4) Fahey, Scalze, Morelan, Pedersen. <br />Nays (0). Resolution declared adopted. <br />17tANSIT Chris Weyer, Metro Transit, appeared before the Council reporting on <br />HUB AT their plans for a transit hub at the Market Place Shopping Center. Weyer <br />MARKET indicated that Metro Transit would comply with the recommendations of <br />PLACE the Public Works Director relative to the transit hub. He also noted that <br />the hub would allow six buses to line up on the south side of First Bank <br />Drive. The hub does not include a formal park and ride lot, but would <br />rather serve as a transfer station. Weyer also indicated that Metro Transit <br />will dress up the area with planters and street lights of the same style as <br />are being proposed on Little Canada Road. <br />Page 34 <br />