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Gambling Control Board Fax :651- 639 -4073 <br />Min <br />Feb 15 '01 1534 P. 02 <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />8/00 <br />- - -- -e <br />LG220 - Application for Exempt Permit Fee - $25 <br />Forerun' Use Only <br />F « Pala <br />Organization Information <br />Check No, <br />O anization name Previous lawful gambling exemption number <br />flOgineg 0 Off OS op fl4C.ser: AUcCf p-' &CAQUi it, Itac. <br />Street <br />/4q0 scam I-r-/ . <br />City Staterrap Code <br />s-c +Aut MN 567oS <br />County r <br />1f'ImhSeV <br />Name of chief executive officer (CEO) <br />First name Last name <br />C',NR .. Di etNiooK <br />Daytime phone number of CEO <br />/pl a 613 4V: <br />Name of treasurer <br />First name Last name <br />NOS muRPAY <br />Daytime phone number <br />treasurer: <br />461 - 69& -31a1 <br />of <br />Typo of Nonprofit Organization <br />Check the box that best describes your organization: <br />❑ Fratemal ❑ Religious <br />❑ Veteran PKI Other nonprofit organization <br />Check SS box that indicates the type of proof your organization attached to this application: <br />J IRS letter Indicating income tax exempt status <br />❑ Certificate of Good Standing from the Minnesota Secretary of State's Office <br />❑ A charter showing you are an affiliate of a parent nonprofit organization <br />❑ Proof previously submitted and on file with the Gambling Control Board <br />Gambling Premises Information <br />Name of premises where gambling activity <br />11 -1€ UFl)f4lAN IPa0 <br />wit be conducted (for raffles, rat the site where the drawing we take place) <br />Address (do not use PO box) <br />-?R ('/ «I C. 9f. <br />City <br />(.1fic . C.ANIk0A <br />State/ip Code <br />MN 56(13 <br />County <br />Rlk y <br />Date(s) of activity (for raffles, indicate the date of the drawing) <br />mARCtk a6) a031 <br />Cheek the box or boxes that indicate the type of gambrmg activity your organization will be conducting: <br />❑ -Bingo igfRaffles ■ 'Paddlewheels NI 'Pull-Tabs ❑Tipboards <br />'Equipment for these activities must be obtained from a licensed distributor. <br />This form will be made available in <br />altemative format (Le. large print, Braille) <br />upon request The information requested <br />on this form (and any attachments) we be <br />used by the Gambling Control Board <br />(Board) to determine your qualifications to <br />be involved in lawful gambing activities in <br />Minnesota. You haw the right to refuse to <br />supplythe information requested; however, <br />if refuse to supply this information, the <br />Board may not ba able to determine your <br />quaffiratione and. as a consequence, may <br />refuse to issue you a permit. if you supply <br />the information requested, the Board war <br />be able to process your application. <br />Your name and and your organization's <br />name and address wit be pubic information <br />when received by the Board. AN the other <br />information that you provide wit be private <br />data about you until the Board Issues your <br />permit. When the Board issues your <br />permit, el of the infonnadon that you have <br />provided to the Board In the process of <br />applying for your permitwil become public. <br />If the Board doss not Issue you a permit, <br />all the information you have provided in the <br />process of appying for a pwmti remains <br />private, with the exception of your name <br />and your organization's name and address <br />which we remain public. <br />Private data about you are available only to <br />Page 36 <br />thetoMowing: Board members, staff of the <br />Board whose work assignment requires <br />that they have access to the information; <br />the Minnesota Department of Public Safety; <br />the Minnesota Attorney General: the <br />Minnesota Commiesioners of <br />Administration, Finance, and Revenue; the <br />Minnesota LegtchlhreAudltor, national and <br />ittemafionat gambing regulatory agencies; <br />anyone pursuant to court order; other <br />individuals and agencies that are <br />specifca i authorized by state or federal <br />law to haw access to the mformabon; <br />individuals and agencies for which law or <br />legal order authorizes a new use or sharing <br />of information after this Notice was given; <br />and anyone with your consent. <br />