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MINUTES <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />MAY 23, 2000 <br />Scalze asked if the building can accommodate special needs children. <br />Paul May, architect for the Family Academy, reported that it is difficult to <br />find facilities for the growing needs of schools. He pointed out that this <br />building was a school at one time. There are some improvements that will <br />have to be made to bring the building up to building code. May felt that it <br />would be great to reuse the building as a school and bring it back to its <br />initial use. <br />May pointed out that Little Canada's Zoning Code is unique in that a <br />public school must be located in a Public District. Other cities will allow <br />schools in other zoning districts by conditional use permit. This would <br />preclude the building being sold and taken off the tax rolls. May noted <br />that they are under some tiine constraints in order to get the school into <br />operation by the fail. <br />Scalze asked what the problems were that prevented the school from <br />opening in Roseville. Koski replied that the requirements by the City <br />were very costly, and there were no assurances that the owner of the <br />building would not tear down the building within a year or two. <br />Therefore, Family Academy did not want to proceed with these <br />improvements without assurances that they could be a long -term tenant. <br />Scalze asked about the City's Code requirement that a school be located in <br />a Public District. .The City Planner reported that the Code requires a <br />public school to be located in a Public District. He agreed that some cities <br />allow public schools in other districts by conditional use permit. The <br />Planner indicated that the City has the option of amending the code to <br />allow the CUP process, or allowing schools by interim use permit which <br />would expire at the time the school vacates the building. <br />Scalze indicated that either process outlined by the Planner would address <br />her concerns. <br />Fahey indicated that his concern is whether or not there is a need for the <br />school and asked what advantage there is to have the school in Little <br />Canada. <br />Pedersen felt it was beyond the scope of the City Council to debate <br />whether or not a charter school should locate in Little Canada. Pedersen <br />asked what a better or. higher use would be for the property pointing out <br />that he did not see this as a great commercial site. <br />Page 31 <br />