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03-22-2000 Council Agenda
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03-22-2000 Council Agenda
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Canada Road. An access easement is identified on the plan allowing access to the front <br />of the building. The engineer has indicated the need to verify proper access rights to the <br />property. <br />The respite home proposes to make use of both access points. With the exception of the <br />setback issue (discussed below) and the engineers comments regarding drainage, the site <br />plan has been reasonably well laid out. Parking would appear to be adequate with the two <br />access points for both the upper respite home level and the lower office level. <br />The drainage issue raised by the Engineer will have a significant impact on the site plan, <br />however. The site is small, and the proposal illustrates a nearly full utilization of the <br />property. It is not clear if there is adequate room to accommodate the proposed <br />development and a stormwater pond. This would result in the need to downsize the <br />building on the site to allow for less parking need and more stormwater treatment area. <br />The setback variance issue will also impact the site plan, as discussed below. <br />Variance. Variances are to reviewed against the criteria listed in the zoning ordinance. <br />In summary, the standard is whether special conditions exist which create a hardship in <br />putting the property to a reasonable use under the zoning ordinance. Narrowness of an <br />existing lot of record may constitute such a special condition. However, the question is <br />whether the at width, combined with the setback regulations, make construction of an <br />allowed use unreasonably difficult. It may be argued that a substantial structure could be <br />built on the property without the need for setback variances. <br />The applicant also argues that adjacent structures in the same zoning district have <br />significantly smaller setbacks, less than two feet in one location. While these are existing <br />conditions, they exist as legal, non- conforming setbacks. The buildings were established <br />prior to the adoption of the current standards, and it is staffs understanding that they were <br />not granted variances for those setbacks. <br />SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION <br />The land use proposed for the R -B zoned site is appropriate for the district and for the <br />area, as regulated by the zoning ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. However, the <br />City Engineer has noted that a significant impact to the site plan is likely due to the need <br />to accommodate a stormwater pond on site. Based on the need to develop stormwater <br />calculations for the pond, the resulting reconfiguration of the site plan, staff recommends <br />that the CUP be tabled to allow those changes to be made. <br />With regard to the variance, staff does not recommend approval. The site, although <br />slightly narrower than the minimum R -B lot, could accommodate a reasonable building <br />which meets the setbacks. The applicants apparently developed the current plan using <br />Page 40 <br />
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