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"LJ+ i 2GGGGS ` eizi <br />515 Little Canada Road, Little Canada, MN 55117 -1600 <br />(612) 484 -2177 / FAX: (612) 484 -4538 <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Mayor Fahey & Members of the City Council <br />FROM: Joel. Hanson, City Administrator <br />DATE: March 3, 1995 <br />RE: Frattalone Sewer Extension (Improvement #95 -1) <br />MAYOR <br />Michael I. Fahey <br />COUNCIL <br />3everly Sralze <br />Jim LaVaile <br />Steve Morelan <br />Bob Pedersen <br />ADMIIVIS 1 RA7VR <br />Joel R. Hanson <br />Attached is a copy of the feasibility report for the above - <br />referenced project. Mr, Frattalone is interested in proceeding <br />in order that he can obtain sewer service for his new building <br />constructed to serve the recycling operation. He also had asked <br />about the possibility of extending the sewer to the west along <br />Ryan Drive. This would provide service to future lots he may <br />develop as well as to three properties presently unserved by <br />sanitary sewer on the north side of Ryan Drive. <br />On Thursday, March 2, 1995, staff met with the three affected <br />property owners to discuss this possibility with them and to <br />determine their interest. At this meeting, they unequivocally <br />stated they had no interest in sanitary sewer and did not want to <br />be assessed for any improvement. (They may provide us with <br />letters documenting their respective positions.) Based on the <br />results of our meeting with the three property owners on the <br />north side of Ryan Drive and on the fact that future development <br />of the Frattalone property is still undetermined, staff would <br />recommend that we proceed with Option #2A to provide service to <br />the new Frattalone building. No extension of this line will be <br />made along Ryan Drive to the east at this time. <br />The issue to resolve is the question of assessments to benefitted <br />property. As you will note on page 7 of the feasibility report, <br />the cost of this project is estimated at $40,528. Staff would <br />recommend that the three property owners on the north side of <br />Ryan Drive not be assessed at this time. This would necessitate <br />the City carrying $7,746 on its books until such time as those <br />properties do connect to the sewer line. At that time, they <br />would be subject to this cost (adjusted by the construction price <br />index from 1995 until date connected) which would be added to the <br />total price of any improvement undertaken to complete service to <br />their property. <br />In regard to Mr. Frattalone's property, staff would propose that <br />he be assessed for all benefits received to his property <br />Page 54 4.74.4.%4MC44.71 E <br />