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DEC -02 -1999 08:00 <br />HR GREEN CO. 651 644 2349 P.02/02 <br />Howard R. Green Company <br />CONSULTING 'ENGINEERS <br />December 2, 1999 <br />File: 803660J-0240 <br />Ms. Kathy Glanzer <br />Deputy City Clerk <br />City of Little Canada <br />515 Little Canada Road East <br />Little Canada, MN 55117 -1633 <br />RE: GILANDERI ADDITION <br />Dear Ms. Glanzer. <br />As requested, we have reviewed the final plat of the Gilanderi Addition and the variance request <br />for Lot 4, Block 1. The preliminary plat of Gilanderi Addition was approved by the City Council <br />on December 17, 1998. The major change to the plat since that time has been the addition of <br />more right -of -way in front of Lot 4, Block 1 in the event a cul-de-sac is ever needed in the future. <br />This was brought about by a comment letter from the Minnesota Department of Transportation <br />which indicated they could, at some time, widen TH 36 and eliminate the looped road which falls <br />within the TH 36 right -of -way. Although 1 believe the likelihood of this occurring in the future is <br />minimal, the Developer was asked to provide options for a cul-de -sac at the south end of <br />Gilanderi Lane should the need ever arise. The Developer prepared three options that were <br />reviewed by the City Planner, the Public Works Director, and myself. The option we chose <br />required some additional right -of -way be provided on Lot 4, Block 1. This is also the reason for <br />the variance request on. Lot 4, Block 1. Because setbacks are measured from the property line, <br />this additional right -of -way moves the property line closer to the home pad, causing the need for <br />the variance. At the current time, the construction of Gilanderi Lane will not include this cul -de- <br />sac; therefore, the road will not be closer to the home site on Lot 4, Block 1. The road will only <br />become closer if MnDOT eliminates the looped road in the neighborhood causing a cul-de -sac <br />to be constructed. <br />We would recommend that the final plat and the variance request be approved. If you have any <br />questions regarding this information, please call. <br />Sincerely, <br />Howard R. Green Company <br />Terry Mau <br />TJM:tw <br />0:1PROJ1803660J10240 1Ir 880-0201,dec994oa <br />1320 Energy Park Cave . St Paul, MN 55108 • 651/844-0369 fax 651 /644 -9446 toll free 888/368 -4389 <br />TOTAL P.02 <br />Page 65 <br />