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04-10-08 Planning Comm. Agenda
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04-10-08 Planning Comm. Agenda
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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />FEBRUARY 8, 2007 <br />that the interim use is appropriate. Duray asked Montreux for her position <br />on these recommendations. Montreux asked about the recommendation that <br />there be no outdoor storage on the site. Duray indicated that all outdoor <br />storage would have to be removed, and he would be in favor of giving the <br />property owner six months to accomplish the removal. Duray also stated <br />that he supported the one year limitation on the interim use permit allowing <br />the property owner to apply for an extension if the property is not sold. <br />Socha noted that if the tenant is working on cars on the property, all work <br />would have to be done inside. <br />Montreux again stated that it benefits to have Mr. Anderson as a tenant. <br />Again, he could use the bathroom facilities in the house, and would be <br />asked to improve the appearance of the front of the property. <br />Barraclough asked how Montreux knows that this is just a hobby for Mr. <br />Anderson. Barraclough pointed out that the City does not want anauto- <br />related business on Rice Street. He also pointed out that this property will <br />be part of a larger piece that will redevelop some day. <br />Montreux suggested that she have Mr. Anderson put together a letter <br />explaining his hobby. Barraclough indicated that Mr. Anderson should be <br />as specific as he can in explaining the details of his hobby. Barraclough felt <br />that any improvements to the front of the house would be beneficial. <br />Barraclough also agreed that a one year limitation on the interim use permit <br />was appropriate and that there should be no outdoor storage of any kind on <br />the property. <br />Duray noted that the Commission cannot guarantee that the interim use <br />permit would be extended at the end of one year. <br />Montreux asked that the Commission recommend approval of the interim <br />use permit with no time limitation. Duray stated that he would not support <br />that request. <br />Helmeke pointed out that the interim use perrnit would be only to help the <br />property owner while the property is for sale. It would not be intended to <br />continue once the property is sold. <br />Barraclough suggested that the realtor for the property work with the City, <br />noting that the current use is not the City's intent for the long-term use of <br />this properly. <br />Montreux stated that she will bring in a letter from Mr. Anderson prior to <br />the City Council meeting outlining the details of his hobby. <br />- 826 <br />
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