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DATA FORM <br />WETLAND DETERMINATION <br />(1989 Interagency Delineation Manual) <br />oject /Site: NW11,NW1/4, #4,T29,R23 <br />Dpticant/Owner: Mark Ashby, Edina <br />ivestigator: John C. Anderson - ENVIRODATA <br />D normal environmental conditions exist? YES <br />the site significantly disturbed? yes <br />the area a potential problem area? no <br />EGETATION <br />ominant Plant Species <br />Populus tremula <br />.Acernegundo <br />Corpus foemina <br />Populus tremula <br />Prunus serotina <br />Populus tremula <br />Corpus foemina <br />Acer negundo <br />ircent of Species that are <br />?marks: <br />Stratum <br />Tree <br />Scrub <br />Shrub <br />Scrub <br />Scrub <br />Herb <br />Herb <br />Herb <br />OBL,FACW, and /or <br />YDROLOGY <br />ecorded data(describe in remarks) - <br />Stream or Lake Gauge - <br />Aerial Photographs /slides - <br />Other - PSS1 Bd by NWI <br />Id Observations /measurements: <br />Indicator <br />FAC <br />FACW <br />FACW- <br />FAC <br />FACU <br />FAC <br />FACW- <br />FACW <br />FAC: 88 <br />Routine x <br />Intermediate <br />Comprehensive <br />Date: 4/17/96 <br />County: Ramsey <br />State: MN <br />Plant Community I.D.: Upland <br />Transect I.D.: F <br />Plot I.D. #: I <br />Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator °6 <br />100 9. <br />30 10. <br />30 11. <br />20 12. <br />20 13. <br />33 14. <br />33 15. <br />33 16. <br />Oxidized root zones - living roots - <br />Water marks - <br />Drift Lines - <br />Water-borne sediment deposits - <br />Water- stained leaves - <br />Surtace scoured areas - <br />Wetland drainage patterns - <br />Morphological plant adaptations - <br />Hydric soil characteristics - x <br />the ground surface inundated? Surface water depth: Depth to free standing water in pit /soil probe hole: <br />the ground saturated? Depth to saturation: <br />emarks: No primary or secondary indicators present. The adjacent drainage ditch is four feet deep. The Minnesota Drainage Guide indicates <br />at a four foot deep open ditch has a lateral drainage affect of 87 feet for this soil type. <br />DILS <br />lap Unit Name (Series and phase): Barronett silt loam <br />ixonomy (Subgroup): Mollie Ochraqualfs <br />Drainage Class: poor <br />Confirm Mapped Type ?: yes <br />•ofile Description: <br />epth Horizon* Matrix Color(moist) Mottle Colors(moist) Mottle Abundance /Contrast <br />10YR3/1 n/a n/a <br />rot determined as investigator is not certified soils scientist. <br />'dric Soil Indicators <br />rganic soils: Histic Epipedon: Sulfidic material: Aquic or Preaquic Moisture Regime: <br />-m or Manganese Concretions: High Organic content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils: <br />:during Conditions (Confirmed by Measurement): Gleyed, Low Chroma, and Low - Chroma mottled Soils: x <br />:her (Explain in remarks): <br />emarks: <br />■NDSCAPE POSITION: (See attached diagram showing location of sampling point on landscape.) <br />ETLAND DETERMINATION <br />tdrophytic Vegetation Present? no <br />etland Hydrology Present? no <br />rdric Soils Present? yes <br />:marks: One of three parameters present. <br />Page 30 <br />Texture, <br />Structure, <br />Concretionsetc. <br />silt loam <br />Is the sampling point within a wetland? no <br />