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ATTACHMENT 5 <br />AT i INNt•ist Y4'lMe'eS <br />327.20 RULES. <br />Subdivision 1. Rules. No domestic animals or house pets of occupants of manufac- <br />tured home parks or recreational camping areas shall be allowed to run at large, or com- <br />mit any nuisances within the limits of a manufactured home park or recreational <br />camping area. Each manufactured home park or recreational camping area licensed <br />under the provisions of sections 327.10, 327.11, 327.14 to 327.28 shall, among other <br />things, provide for the following, in the manner hereinafter specified: <br />(1) A responsible attendant or caretaker shall be in charge of every manufactured <br />home park or recreational camping area at all times, who shall maintain the park or <br />area, and its facilities and equipment in a clean, orderly and sanitary condition. In any <br />manufactured home park containing more than 50 lots, the attendant, caretaker, or <br />other responsible park employee, shall be readily available at all times in case of emer- <br />gency. <br />(2) All manufactured home parks shall be well drained and be located so that the <br />drainage of the park area will not endanger any water supply. No waste water from man- <br />ufactured homes or recreational camping vehicles shall be deposited on the surface of <br />the ground. All sewage and other water carried wastes shall be discharged into a munici- <br />pal sewage system whenever available. When a municipal sewage system is not avail- <br />able, a sewage disposal system acceptable to the state commissioner of health shall be <br />provided. <br />(3) No manufactured home shall be located closer than three feet to the side lot <br />lines of a manufactured home park, if the abutting property is improved property, or <br />closer than ten feet to a public street or alley. Each individual site shall abut or face on <br />a driveway or clear unoccupied space of not less than 16 feet in width, which space shall <br />have unobstructed access to a public highway or alley. There shall be an open space of <br />at least ten feet between the sides of adjacent manufactured homes including their <br />attachments and at least three feet between manufactured homes when parked end to <br />end. The space between manufactured homes may be used for the parking of motor <br />vehicles and other property, if the vehicle or other property is parked at least ten feet <br />from the nearest adjacent manufactured home position. The requirements of this para- <br />graph shall not apply to recreational camping areas and variances may be granted by <br />the state commissioner of health in manufactured home parks when the variance is <br />applied for in writing and in the opinion of the commissioner the variance will not <br />endanger the health, safety, and welfare of manufactured home park occupants. <br />(4) An adequate supply of water of safe, sanitary quality shall be furnished at each <br />manufactured home park or recreational camping area. The source of the water supply <br />shall first be approved by the state department of health. <br />(5) All plumbing shall be installed in accordance with the rules of the state com- <br />missioner of health and the provisions of the Minnesota plumbing code. <br />(6) In the case of a manufactured home park with less than ten manufactured <br />homes, a plan for the sheltering or the safe evacuation to a safe place of shelter of the <br />residents of the park in times of severe weather conditions, such as tornadoes, high <br />winds, and floods. The shelter or evacuation plan shall be developed with the assistance <br />and approval of the municipality where the park is located and shall be posted at con- <br />spicuous locations throughot veer shall provide each resident <br />Page 47 <br />