<br />�If ?'uxitrg
<br />Job Number:
<br />Surveyed For
<br />7fb
<br />B1-6 y l lye
<br />From the office of
<br />3092 No Lexington Ave., Roseville. Mr,. 55113
<br />483-4408
<br />I Hereby Certify that this plat shows a survey made by me of the property
<br />deser,brd nn ;Ns plat, and that the turners aie correctly placed as shown
<br />Wm 111is sirs•y Iras done bs me, Or Boller to dl reel J,1prrs l sluts;
<br />HIM I am dttly 11.lilstored t .1110'SI1nevur under the Lax. of the
<br />51. 11. or Itinursotd.
<br />Dale _ /2c IF%
<br />Scale / "•- So'
<br />rip
<br />-s 11.1,11 cuI'd hot to Ihr resort 1'1,11 of 11).,11 Industri.Il Park and sorsr) and
<br />li Inc- 0. r. nHey, \ssuciutes.
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<br />mg frt ilu rrl - "( "- ttotott,itts `/,99) 511.11., hoer or 1rs5.
<br />11.11 p.1t1 of Ins .:4, Aado.lis 1.1ke A111.1s lying South of the North
<br />Ion.'1 Irrt nl ndLI lug C.4, n,r.unred .11 rinlll' angle'• 10 the 110110
<br />lily ,.I 5.11,1 lot 114, 1v hut11,1111 1(1 1111- lasterlt right -of ,035 IIn(' of AO
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<br />■ urlsr, .11d sosterl) and IIir111 -i'I) of tlr lot lotting dr scrlbrd .
<br />urn, .1e1.m 11 11111 Illnrl rower of said 1111 64; 101,110 Soffit; 0 dew.;
<br />r. .drS 54 ,, t,nds hits( LIS mud bc.lrIng) alms, Mt' 1 .1St IInr 1(l' 3.118 Lot 64
<br />l i u toe( 0 1 1 1 1 0 , 7 1 feel t o .' 11'1!11 , , the South I We of 1111. Ilot-Ill 11)11 feel of said /
<br />1111,11,1 1,111 111 degrees :9 011no,lr5 16 5rcuud5 IIrsi Thing 51,11 310,1111 IIni 111 '
<br />4 ,
<br />nn u. 1(1d.0 f•-I e di5LU,'r of J5..5 feet to the point 1(l 11p11lu111a111 of We 1i ir5 to by
<br />•creln dcscrIIed; 161-onc Sn1111t 11 I- {secs 7: mi n,11r5 54 Second. hest 1110.0 feet; Ih•nre
<br />1..111. %S dugrrr', 411 alloldrs by •.moods Ilcsl 1)5.10 feet to .1 point on IL1 1 ..stmt% I Inc of
<br />,.11,1 (0111 r) ❑i iNi Hirt(' Ir'rn11na11nq. 'Vnh}oct Lo 11 11.(1 foul drattldg• oasrmen( .Jong .111 .Ides
<br />1t ,•nit p.ner 1.
<br />.111
<br />1.'111,1) , 11111u..01,
<br />l 26, V/
<br />NBrs- t'ot'E
<br />'I '.1111111,,1: P, uoci - "H" - ,11111.11115 I' /; w(1 ;g,ft., more or Ir55.
<br />111.11 p.1., of 101 (11,, A.uludi.. Like AIltos 1•11(11 Snllh of the Ilnrlh 11111.1,11 Irrl 1(l' S.,I,I 1.01 74, ns
<br />d .11 1 roil notes 111 11(e Ilnrlh film of -..4(1 lug 6,11 Is tog I .I.1 of Ism I.ului'ly 1 iVHl- of -oil Ilnr of
<br />• 1.11 1lrl sr, nd I.1strr1s .118 Sonlhrrl) of Illy 101101(1 1111 drrrrlL•ci 11nrs: Ilulnnrurl1(q ,H the Ilnrlhr.,'1
<br />1 ..1111 IIII 1,41 (('Inc, 111,1111 b Jcy••OS :J mlunlrs 94 .••0nds 6051 (■5s11noll beal'11.y) dlony the Iasi Iluc 1(l
<br />III 1.11 n .Ilsl.ue•r 1(l' 1110.7) reel to .1 pulnl nn the Suutli line or ILe II0r1I1 11111 fool of sd;d Int 114;
<br />.
<br />,11111 ...,1 11, "1 111'llrr. i4 n1111utt•s 3t; srrn,d:. IVI'rt 111,11111 5.1111: Il(1, 11,11. 1,1 11,lr11, 1(10.1111 fl','1 .1 III 511111,•„
<br />1 9'1.;5 Ir1-i In 1111- p111n1 or tiotinnl01 o1 the lint's to 111 hrrrlo doe:•r(lcd; l6onct• Sog111 0 degro•5 s 1,1115
<br />1111.1,, 1,1 I0111n 1101; 110nrr 'nulih 0', dt tires m((It('S 4.1 11. 1111
<br />,' 411 s moods 11 sl. I (Ir.d fret 111 -I pot nl no ILe
<br />..,1i i H. ILe 1(t SaJ ('n.!nl1.l' Ilr,r .Ind there Irrinl lint ll.n• 4.111)rrl 11( '1.11 1'onl dr.liva rte v.l • al tool Ihr
<br />1 r51rr11 Hint ll4u- ',l1'1'll1 Suuti mrrirl-I)' out 11111rr1■ 111115 of ,.lid pared .111 suhjvet in .1 17.11 foul
<br />11..11. 1.,. ,1.111(1 .111,1,1 1110 Id51r1'Is si(1r 1(l s.11d pun'rl.
<br />.1... 111,11,11), 11111.4 011.1
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