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°lannin Co" issinn <br />An,ri l l r 1 <a <br />Tax <br />Incre'eent <br />Rinancinn <br />(Cont.) <br />11esener replied that the City could possi71y buy at an inflated <br />price because the City wants the project to 00 in. <br />Costa suggested that the property owner may not want to sell his <br />property, but if he is located in the middle of other properties <br />that are selling, his nrnnerty will net condemned. <br />8lesener stated that this could hannen without tax increment financinn. <br />The Commission n,uestioned the criteria used to condemn property under <br />tax increment financinn. r•ir. Rlesener replied that the criteria is <br />the sane under tax increment financinn as it is without it. <br />Herkenhoff as'<ed if the li'<elihood of condemnation was greater under <br />tax increment financinn. 9lesener agreed that this night he correct, <br />but stressed that the rules are not changed. <br />Her'<enhoff as'<ed what would hannen in an instance where the City <br />purchased land and the development fizzles out. <br />Rlesener replied that the City 'would he responsible for whatever bonds <br />it floats. However, the financinn for the development itself is a <br />senarate financing nac'<age that the City would not be responsible for. <br />Under tax increment financing, the City could float bonds for financing <br />the property, utilities, streets or removal of delapitated buildings. <br />r. BeLnnais pointed out that the port authority is exferiencino <br />financial nrobleos. <br />Rlesener reported that there aro a number of things that the City can <br />do to safeguard its elf. Rlesener reported that sor ^e cities protect <br />themselves by recuiring the develoner to pay un -front costs and when <br />the nroiect is ready for occupancy, then the City reimburses the <br />developer. <br />"r. Rob De'tace commented that tax increm ^ent financinn is a guarantee <br />to a developer and pointed out that the City could finance the total <br />project. Rlesener did not believe that Little Canada would do this. <br />Rlesener explained how tax increment financing wor'<ed. <br />Blesener then reported that the City has decided based on the <br />recommendation of the Economic Develonnent Committee that it is <br />going to loot< at tax increment financinn' districts. The Council <br />feels that the City has to be competitive with what surrounding <br />cities are doing, and they are using tax increment financing. Tax <br />increment financing is a process of telling developers that the <br />City is will to 'wor'< with them and be competitive with other cities. <br />1.'r. Deltonais stated that he feels that the Council usually opposes <br />inc'ustrial development nronosals. DeLonais felt that the Council <br />should he more willing to wore; with developers. <br />Pan -7- <br />