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PLANNING REPORT <br />nortcwe&t Essociated consultants, inc. <br />T0: Little Canada Planning Commission, Mayor & City Council <br />FROM: <br />DATE: <br />RE: <br />FILE NO: <br />Tom Goodrum /Steve Grittman <br />December 4, 1987 <br />Little Canada - Buche 3 - Lot Subdivision <br />758.09 - 87.67' <br />BACKGROUND <br />A registered land survey has been submitted for a subdivision request. Patricia <br />Buche wishes to subdivide her property into three (3) lots. The proposed pro- <br />perty is approximately 49,890 square feet and is located at the corner of <br />Morrison Street and 6th Avenue. (Attachment A). <br />ISSUES AND ANALYSIS <br />The proposed subdivision will consist of three out lots all fronting Morrison <br />Street. The proposed lots are all in conformance with the minimum area require- <br />ments of the R -1 District (10,000 square feet - interior lots; 11,000 square <br />feet - corner lots). The proposed lots also maintain the required lot width <br />which are; 75 feet interior and 80 feet for corner lots. <br />Section 1006.030. Streets and Alleys of the Little Canada Subdivision Ordinance <br />requires a street right -of -way width of 50 feet for single family residential <br />local streets platted and /or dedicated after October 1, 1981. 6th Avenue, which <br />abuts the property along its southern edge, has a street width of 30 feet. In <br />speaking to the City Engineer, Don Carley, our office was told that there are <br />no plans for the expansion of 6th Avenue and that a street dedication of 20 feet <br />would not be necessary from the Buche property. In the event that 6th Avenue <br />would be vacated, the disposing of the vacated land shall be determined at that <br />time. <br />A park, land dedication of either a reasonable part of the land being subdivided <br />or in lieu thereof a cash equivalent shall be determined by the City. Park <br />land dedication shall follow the guidelines set with Section 1007 of the Subdivision <br />Ordinance. <br />4601 excelsior blvd., ste. 410, minneapolis, mn 55416 (612) 925 -9420 <br />Page 34 <br />