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PRINTER'S AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION <br />CITY OF LITTLE CANADA <br />• RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING <br />ADOPTION REVENUE SHARING <br />BUDGET <br />1981 <br />- Notice is hereby given that Me Council of the City of <br />Little Canada will meet on the 11th day of March 1981, <br />at 7:30 o'clock P.M.. in the Council Chambers of the City <br />Center. located at 515 Uflle Canada Rd. to consider the <br />adoption of the 1981 Revenue Sharing Budget. The Revenue <br />Sharing Alkualion for 1981 5 $56,699.00. The Revenue <br />Sharing allocalion is the 12th entitlement period (10.1. <br />804o.9-30-$1( The City wiM receive comments and other <br />suggestions to the proposed use of the Revenue Sharing <br />Budget. The proposed use of the revenue sharing budget <br />is for Pace protection. <br />1981 BUDGET GENERAL FUND <br />CODE ID. IDEM - AMOUNT <br />101-101 MAYOR COUNCIL $ 24.100.00 <br />101-102 MUNICIPAL COURT - $ 17.400.00 <br />101 -103 ELECTIONS $ 3.312.00 <br />101-104 OFFICE OF THE CLERK . $ 29.882.00 <br />101-105 OFFICE OF THE <br />TREASURER $ ' 1.900.00 <br />101.106 PLANNING COMMISSION $ 6.430.00 <br />101-107 CITY CENTER $ 8.560.00 <br />101-109 PARKS& <br />PARK COMMISSION $ 31.300.00 <br />101-110 SENIOR CITIZEN • $ 2.12000 <br />101-111 CANADIAN DAYS $ 1,500.00 <br />101.112 GARAGE $ 8.308.00 <br />101-151 POLICE $ 163.313.00 <br />101-152 FIRE $ 68.065.00 <br />101-152 INSPECTORS $ 12.005.00 <br />101.153 WEED INSPECTOR $ 300.00 <br />101-154 ANIMAL CONTROL $ 4.000.00 <br />101.201 ROADS $ 60.715.00 <br />101.203 STREET LIGHTS $ 15.500.00 <br />101.252 ' DUMPSTER - $ 9.800.00 <br />101-401 RECREATION $ 54.715.001 <br />101 -205 TREE REMOVAL $ 18.550.00 <br />101-501 -1- AUDIT $ 3,500.00 <br />101.501 -2- YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU $ 4.624.00 <br />101-501 •3. RENT OF EQUIPMENT <br />(Xerox) $ 3.600.00 <br />• 101.501 -0- INSURANCE $ 11.000.00 <br />101.501 -5- COMPUTER (Bench Mark) $ 850.00 <br />101-501.8- HISTORICAL SOCIETY ' $ 500.00 <br />101-501 -7- CONTINGENCY $ 10,040.00 <br />+ 21.501.00 <br />= 31,541.00 <br />TOTAL BUDGET $575.689.00 <br />' + 21.501.00 <br />= 597 190.00 <br />1981 REVENUE GENERAL FUND <br />REVENUE SHARING $ 35,187.00+ <br />$ 21,501.00 = $ 56.868.00 <br />LOCAL GOV. AIDS $ 221.595.00 $ 221.595.00 <br />S.A.3. •• $ 5,676.00 $ 5.676.00 <br />LIQUOR LICENSES $ 10,845.00 $ 10.64500 <br />COURT FINES ' .$ 8,000.00 $ 8.000.00 <br />• BLDG PERMITS $ 5.000.00 $ 75.000.00, <br />PLUMBING PERMITS $ 1.638.00 $ '1.636.00 <br />ELECTRICAL $ 3,800.00 $ 3.80000 <br />HEATING $ 103700 $ 1.637.00 <br />OTHER LICENSES <br />&SERVICES $ - 3.300.00 $ 3.30000 <br />DUMPSTER $ 2.500.00 $ 2.500.00 <br />MOBILE HOME TAX $ 2.608'00 $ 2808.00 <br />TREE REVENUE _ $ 10.200.00 $ 10.200.00 <br />TOTAL -$ 311 784.00 $ 333.26000 <br />The above figures are aimed to change and are on <br />fae at the City Center: 515 Little Canada Road during <br />normal business hours. (Mon. thm Fri. 8:00 A.M. to <br />4:30 P.M.) for inspection. All persons desiring to be heard <br />concerning Ibis matter will be heard during this hearing. <br />Joseph G. Chlebeck <br />Published9n the Vednais Heights /Little Canada Free Press <br />February 24. 1981. <br />abcdefghilklmnopgrstuvwxyz. <br />-;µi ,.y,. PATRICIA A. ARCAND <br />11 • NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA <br />). RAMSEY COUNTY <br />• My Comm. Exp. Feb. 14, 1988 <br />AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA, <br />County of Ramsey <br />SS <br />Eugene D. Johnson being duly sworn on oath says he is and during all the <br />times herein stated has been the publisher and printer of the newspaper <br />known as The Vadnais Heights/Little Canada Free Press and has full <br />knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (1) Said newspaper is <br />printed in the English language in newspaper format and in column <br />and sheet form equivalent in printed space to at Least 900 square inches. <br />(2) Said newspaper is a weekly and is distributed at least once each week. <br />(3) Said newspaper, in at least half of its issues each year, has no more than <br />75 percent of its printed space comprised of advertising material and paid <br />legal notices; and in all of its issues each year has 50 percent of its news <br />columns devoted to news of local interest to the community which it purports <br />to serve, but not more than 25 percent of its total nonadvertising column <br />inches in any issues wholly duplicates any other publication unless the <br />duplicated material is from recognized general news services. (4) Said <br />newspaper is circulated in and near the municipality which it purports to <br />serve and has at least 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers <br />and has entry as second -class matter in its local post office, or has at least <br />500 copies regularly distributed without charge to local residents. (5) Said <br />. newspaper purports to serve the cities of Vadnais Heights and Little Canada <br />of Minnesota in the County of Ramsey and has its known office of issue in <br />the city of White Bear Lake in said county, established and open during <br />its regular business hours for the gathering of news, sale of advertisements <br />and sale of subscriptions and maintained by Eugene D. Johnson or persons <br />in its employ and subject to his direction and control during all such regular <br />business hours and at which said newspaper is printed. (6) Said newspaper <br />files a copy of each issue immediately with the State Historical Society. <br />(7) Said newspaper is made available at single or subscription prices to any <br />person, corporation, partnership or other unincorporated association <br />requesting the newspaper and making the applicable payment, or is distributed <br />without charge to local residents, (8) Said newspaper has complied with all <br />the foregoing conditions for at least one year preceding the day or dates of <br />publication mentioned below. (9) Said newspaper annually publishes and <br />submits to the secretary of state a sworn United States Post Office second - <br />class statement of ownership and circulation or annually publishes and <br />submits a statement ownership and circulation verified by a recognized <br />independent circulation auditing agency. <br />He further states on oath that the printed .. C•i,ty. Canada <br />Notice. of .Publi.c. Rearing <br />hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, <br />and was printed and published therein in the English language, once each <br />week, for One successive weeks; that it was first so published on <br />Tuesday the ...24 day of . - . February <br />1981. and was thereafter printed and published on every <br />to and including the the day of <br />19 and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet <br />from A to Z both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and <br />kind of type used in the composition and publication of said nytire, to wit: <br />abcdetghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz <br />Myf nfL•p -p, <br />Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24 day of .. February, 19.81 <br />(NOTARIAL SEAL) Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn, <br />My Commission expires ...Feb, . 1,4 A .. - . 19 88. <br />