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Pao <br />‘;oul d be 1111;011:C:I 111 0011:; 1. Oi I j 1011 :111(1 0llk0 d01 <br />a suitable facility. <br />Some Disadvantaoes <br />To the Public: <br />Shine 11;10c :3J3 t ;iv r il3IiH. lo do Hs - <br />ness with the Court. Whiie a incation would no doubt <br />be closer for sumo, presumabl:, 1 woHiU he farther for the ma- <br />jority, considering there are u difforeni locaLions. <br />To Suburban flunicipalitics: <br />Five %cupid me kmvpi• ipccive rcp1 payments From <br />1he County <br />- Some suburban 3)olice personnel would have to travel a farther <br />distance to testify OF conduct other business with the Court, <br />which could result in Lheir bein "out of service" for a longer <br />time. This inconvenience could lo minimized hy effective cisc <br />scheduling, and partly oilset by 11R. certainty that a judge <br />would in fact he available al 1 PC 3 Currently, a Judge <br />is not available in at leas.1 iwo n1 tho five facilities aL any <br />given time. <br />- Paoscc u t 0 ti 1 expert 50 cold d 11101•P p rosece o r t i 310 (Wa 1 t <br />ing Lune) 10 expended ;it H ;IL ri Olicc p)1 1 , 0 1 - <br />f cc tivc case scheduling could minimi:e this factor. <br />To the County: <br />Would require a large capital expenditure commitment, although <br />the total amount would be signitican( iy offset hy the previous- <br />ly-mentioned, ongoing SIVIHilS anj rhy avoidance oi rent, payments. <br />22 <br />