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assist the City in achieving those objectives. The Project <br />will help to increase assessed valuation of the City and help <br />maintain a positive relationship between assessed valuation and <br />debt and enhance the image and reputation of the community; <br />(e) The Company is currently engaged in the <br />business of real estate development, management and leasing. <br />The Project to be financed by the Revenue Bonds is an addition <br />to the existing Little Canada Mall for use as a multi- tenant <br />retail facility to be located in the City and leased to various <br />tenants and consists of the acquisition of land and the <br />construction of buildings and improvements thereon and the <br />installation of equipment therein, and will result in the em- <br />ployment of additional persons to work within the new <br />facilities; <br />(f) The City has been advised by representa- <br />tives of Company that conventional, commercial financing to pay <br />the capital cost of the Project is available only on a limited <br />basis and at such high costs of borrowing that the economic <br />feasibility of operating the Project would be significantly <br />reduced, but Company has also advised this Council that with <br />the aid of municipal financing, and its resulting low borrowing <br />cost, the Project is economically more feasible; <br />(g) Pursuant to a resolution of the City <br />Council adopted on November 24, 1982, a public hearing on the <br />Project was held on December , 1982, after notice was <br />published, and materials made available for public inspection <br />at the City Center, all as required by Minnesota Statutes, <br />Section 474.01, Subdivision 7b at which public hearing all <br />those appearing who so desired to speak were heard; <br />(h) No public official of the City has either a <br />direct or indirect financial interest in the Project nor will <br />any public official either directly or indirectly benefit <br />financially from the Project. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the <br />City of Little Canada, Minnesota, as follows: <br />i. The Council hereby gives preliminary approval to the <br />proposal of Company that the City undertake the Project <br />pursuant to the Minnesota Municipal Industrial Development Act <br />(Chapter 474, Minnesota Statutes), consisting of the acqui- <br />sition, construction and equipping of facilities within the <br />City pursuant to Company's specifications suitable for the <br />operations described above and to a revenue agreement between <br />1. 0 <br />