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AGENDA <br />LITTLE CANADA CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />12 -8 -82 <br />CONTINUED <br />COUNCIL LEGISLATIVE MATTERS <br />PARKS - &- RECREATION <br />MRS SCALZE. <br />20. Reports if any. <br />Tape no. to <br />ADMINISTRATION. <br />MR. FAHEY. <br />Tape no. to <br />21 Fire Protection Matching Funds Program ( Copy sent to Fire Chief.)( Information only) <br />22. D /N /R Clerk's appointment to regional advisory committee. ( I am interested) <br />SEE CORRESPONDENCE PAGES -20 -thru- 21- <br />Motion to authorize clerk to serve on committee. <br />Motion by 2nd by Ayes Nayes. <br />23 Cable T.V. SEE CORRESPONDENCE PAGES- 22 - & -23- ( information only) <br />Certification of confirmation to Group W. Cable. <br />24/ CITY OF SAVAGE: Changes in State Aid Formula <br />SEE CORRESPONDENCE PAGES- 24 thru -26- <br />PROPOSED RESOLUTION ON PAGE -26 -. <br />Motion to support of changes in State Iad Formula <br />Motion by 2nd by Ayes Nayes <br />25. Other. <br />26 Motion to approve vouchers. Motion by 2nd by Ayes Nayes <br />27. Motion to adjourn: motion by 2nd by Ayes Nayes <br />REMINDER SPECIAL MEETING DEC. -9- 7:00 P.M. ( Gervais Lake Swr. intercepter) <br />Letterssend out " Mrs Scalze's 35 E. opinion. <br />Appointment of Mrs Nardini to Watershed advisary board. <br />To Maplewood,the objection of the Anderson proposal. <br />Christmass party will be Dec. -29- after 4:30. <br />Plaques being made for Carl - &- Dick Boss <br />( MINNESOTA LEGISLATORS TO CONVENE - DEC -7 -) Another Pearl Harbor ? <br />page-5- <br />