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ORDINANCE NO. 200 <br />AN ORDINANCE ADDING CHAPTER 813 <br />TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE <br />CITY OF LITTLE CANADA, REGULATING BINGO <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF LITTLE CANADA HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. <br />Chapter 813 of the Municipal Code of the City of Little <br />Canada is hereby added to read as follows: <br />813. BINGO <br />813.010. ADOPTION OF STATUTE. Sections 349.11 through 349.23, <br />Minnesota Statutes, as amended, are hereby adopted by reference to <br />regulate and control the conduct of the game of bingo within the <br />City of Little Canada. The provisions thereof are hereby incor- <br />porated and made a part of this Code as completely as if set forth <br />in full, except as• provided in this Ordinance. <br />813.020. LICENSE AND FEE REQUIRED. No bingo occasion shall <br />be conducted within the City without a bingo license having been <br />applied for and obtained from the Council for such bingo occasion. <br />A license fee of Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) shall be paid to the <br />City at the time of the filing of the bingo license application. If <br />the application is denied, the license fee shall be returned to the <br />applicant. <br />813.030. EXPIRATION. A bingo license shall expire on the 31st <br />day of December following its issuance. <br />813.040. FREQUENCY AND DURATION. No more than 52 bingo <br />occasions each year or one bingo occasion each week shall be <br />conducted by any organization. One bingo occasion shall not con- <br />tinue for more than three consecutive hours. Any person or <br />corporation, other than an organization, which leases any premises <br />that it owns to two or more organizations for purposes including <br />the conduct of bingo occasions, shall not allow more than one bingo <br />occasion to be conducted on the premises in any week. <br />813.050. STATUTE ON FILE. One copy of Sections 349.11 <br />through 349.23, Minnesota Statutes, as amended, shall be filed <br />in the office of the City Clerk for inspection and use by the <br />public and shall be marked by the Clerk with the words, "City of <br />Little Canada - Official Copy ". <br />